The Brexit-the appointment is moved, but what next? The deferral provides for two scenarios, depending on how the react under the house in the coming week on the summit resolutions. An Overview.

Orderly Brexit up to 22. May

The EU and the British government have agreed on a double strategy of the Brexit, and thus an unregulated EU-exit of the country on the 29. March prevented. There are now two options on how to do it. In the first case, the outlet to 22. May moved.

but the requirement is that the house of Commons in the coming week, the EU negotiated exit agreement agrees to. A hurdle for the Plan is the lower house speaker John Bercow, He had rejected on Monday a new vote on the withdrawal agreement, because the Parliament could not twice in the same template.

The EU summit in Brussels, the British Prime Minister Theresa May said now, the cheap in mid-March by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker made representations to the Brexit again formally. This legal appreciation could be sufficient, according to EU diplomats, in order to justify a second vote in London.

the aim of the extension in this scenario, it would be to give the UK enough time, the agreements in the outlet of the Treaty into national law. The United Kingdom would then be in the 22. May in an orderly process from the EU to escape. The UK would remain then until the end of 2020, member of the EU single market and customs Union.

On 23. May European elections. A non-participation, the British could have serious consequences, if you’re still in the EU.

New position in April

Should reject the house of Commons the withdrawal Treaty, the date of the 12. April. Before this date, the UK would have to make “further actions”, – stated in the summit conclusions. Specifically, it is the decision of whether or not the United Kingdom participates in the European elections or not. This results in different ways:

there is No participation in the European election

the UK would have a choice in the case of a decision against the holding of a Europe of the 12. April disordered from the EU to escape. It would then suddenly cease to be a member of the European single market and the customs Union, relations from 46 years of EU membership would be abruptly severed. This would have far-reaching consequences for the tourism and economic relations. The EU is preparing since months of emergency plans.

participation in the European elections and a further shift

The British like the other 27 EU member States to 26. May European elections – what May so far, however, strictly rejects. The EU would have to decide, before an election, participation on a further postponement. How long this would be is unclear. The EU Commission had recommended for this case, a shift until at least the end of 2019. The period could be shortened to, “if, before its expiry, a solution is found”.

Second Referendum or withdrawal of the Brexit

The British government could, once again, the Brexit vote or the articles 50 all the way back. This is in accordance with the judgment of the European court of justice is possible at any time and does not require the consent of the rest of the EU countries. Thereafter, the government would have to decide whether it starts a discharge process or may be on a EU waived the outlet. Possible precursors to this would be new elections in this scenario, or a second Referendum.