In a debate article (DN 15/3) sorry Magnus Bremmer rabelais, the absence in the Swedish public sphere. Why is the humanist invisible just when his knowledge is most needed? Bremmer, himself one of the last few years prolific educator, points known to on a number of important declarations, including a changed media landscape and mutual frustration on the part of researchers and journalists. But despite the Bremmers laudable call that bet on the education of the people, it is something that is lost in the reasoning. There seems to be a gap between the expectations of the humanists and the partly new roles, which today falls within the human sciences.

that we are talking about different things and thus past each other when it comes to humanisters role in the public sphere. For many, both within and outside the academy, is it the role of the educated journalist who has become more rare. Often fit this in the now all the more impoverished the designation ”third task”. But the ”educational kulturjournalistik” is not necessarily the same thing as the transfer of knowledge, something that researchers in all disciplines are expected to perform. Nor is it the same thing as synergy, the guiding principles as the policy document today advocates.

humanists are not visible in newspapers does not mean that they are samhällsfrånvända. But the roles which today falls within the humanities or the human sciences – is set during the change. This is precisely the focus of an international conference at Lund university during the next year will organize together with a european network of humanities departments and faculties. The interaction and impact is a big part of these new patterns, but changing publiceringsmönster and forskningsfinansiärers requirements also plays in, as well as the increasing demands on work related training.

Humanistic knowledge does not fit easily into the ”click-society” or debattprogrammen.

far from all, are kulturjournalistik and public debate, an important reason for profound societal value. There is also no doubt that the more people who devote their time to this, the richer becomes the idea – and the public debate. But have really humanist, whether of literature or linguists, historians or philosopher, has a particular mission which is not political science or biomedicine? If this is the case, there are many who would say that merit and tjänsteutrymme missing.

More specifically, there are greater expectations from the politicians and financiers that the humanists, by their linguistic, cultural and historical expertise, together with natural and social scientists to contribute to ”meet the societal challenges we face” as it is called in the latest research bill. This we choose in Humtank, the think tank for the humanities research and education, of which 15 of the country’s universities are a part of, to see as a positive development with the potential to create new social roles for the humanities. At the same time, we can take the opportunity to leave krisretorik and offerkofta behind us.

it is Clear that few outside the academy have a clear idea of what work as a researcher in the human sciences means. In Science and Public annual survey on people’s views of science, it is a frightening large proportion, 45 percent, say that they do not have any idea of what the humanities are. The corresponding figure for medicine is 3 per cent. Perhaps contributing an outdated image of the humanist to this, but perhaps it is rather humanistens new arenas, which so far are invisible.

not simply insert in the ”click-society” or debattprogrammen. Perhaps this reply is not too controversial or upset to take place on the debattsidorna. In Humtank we have made the experience on a number of occasions. In this case, Bremmer the right and the text will have to look out through other channels. But we in the Humtank also see major opportunities with the new public Bremmer describes. His own Anecdote is a shining example of this, but we can also mention the Swedish Kvinnobiografiskt Dictionary, last year’s Humtankpristagare. Bremmers perhaps the most important call to action is, therefore, that with the help of state funds to build ”common infrastructure for the independent dissemination of knowledge to the entire public.”

the Need for humanistic knowledge is large, and if partly outdated expectations of polemics, overconfidence and knowledge to create an invisibility cloak, need the humanities field itself to take control of our knowledge circulating where it belongs – in society.

Read more: The absent humanist can revitalize kulturklimatet