IN the DN could be on Tuesday to read to the County administrative board in Stockholm, calls on individuals to notify smygbolmande at the pub. This, then, ”there are so many restaurants and so few inspectors,” as one representative expressed it.

It is about the ridiculous law about prohibition of smoking in outdoor cafes. But signalpolitiken in itself – that in different ways, pushing some to refrain tobacco rather than to protect others from the displeasing scent – is not it remarkable. It is a state-coordinated authority calls for the betrayal on the highest degree, a minor offence.

should a debate raging in the newspapers and on social media. Personal testimony from övervakningskulturens violations should whiz around us. But the opportunistic I-also-journalists are busy by other things. It will not, therefore, be particularly difficult for the authority to gain permission to photograph the ugly, full, poor, or other useless people and post the picture on Facebook is already something of a tradition. Why not also bolmare, in so morally questionable establishment of the tavern.

Here, there is clear synergy in the spout, the photographer-the member of the public can win hundreds of weeping laughter-emojier and the authority may, without the patrolling inspectors scan Facebook.

Now this is not just a government official that happens to see a whole grodpopulation to drain from the mouth and down in a reporters tape recorder. And then admit that it was unconscionable, that one looks very serious at the incident and are reviewing their procedures. And values. But that thing is right: the rogue, the all know, the pubs will allow smygbolmande outdoors.

a larger picture of the urban areas we live in. The same day as the DN article on the damp local newspaper Right in the bottom of the on the hall floor where it was reported that ”many” of the residents around Fridhemsplan in Stockholm, experiencing the place as dirty, but. Now, should the district take action against the garbage. Many? The draw can get journalist larmjournalistik to resemble a sleepy etikseminarium. ”Many” feel the well not at all as if they are wading in, the paper’s formulation, ”the cigarette butts in piles, broken glass and plastic flying around in the air.”

Yes, the newspaper may have the right anyway. If you read the surveys in the local papers can be surprised to see how the inhabitants of this bleaching to the capital – where nothing can smell, to be the least worn, dusty, sweaty – experiencing the chaos, violations of the law, interference. Strangely enough, seen thus, the gentrifierade Häxanputsade inner cities as dirty and insecure – something that politicians on the liberal edge with the purity obsessed look in the autumn, on both national as local level, promised to deal with. Maybe with the crackdown.

so here? It was that stint, fine-cut people training in lakansvita pentecostal churches moved in and seized power in everything from housing associations to the policy, began to close down, clean up, throw out, monitor? Unfortunately, it is not so simple. All who have read the theory, huh, know that this is an international trend, Sweden can, however, be understood in the forefront.

The positive is that sooner or later they have taken a step too far – and people are rising up. Until may well move in the opposite direction, out into the forest. Where you can, so far, to be the revelers and ravaillac, in case you so desired. And stomp down a cigarette butt on the patio. The animals standing and staring in the bushes will not notify.

Read more: Guests are advised to notify smokers