A team from MSF visited a camp in Sabaa outside of Tripoli at the end of February to meet a group of 31 refugees, mostly women and children, who spent time locked in a room of 18 square meters. There was no ventilation and no toilet, ”the inmates had to do their needs in a plastic bucket,” it says in the report.

the 300 refugees in the camp, which is run by the directorate for the fight against illegal immigration, an agency under the Libyan ministry of the interior. According to the MSF held nearly 7.000 refugees in the camps of the same type as in the Sabaa, where there is a great shortage of food, medicine and even places to sleep.

MSF:s posted noted that several children in the camp in the Sabaa showed clear signs of malnutrition, and in conversation with the inmates, it emerged that it could go several days between the presentation of the food rations.

is the latest chapter in the dismal history of refugees and migrants from sub-Saharan countries who dream of getting to Europe, but fails in Libya, where they are often exploited for slave-like work or end up in trafficking. When they are not treated as prisoners and locked up while awaiting deportation. Assault occur, and uncertainty is widespread.

In theory, the EU has a cooperation with the libyan authorities and the African union to repatriate the refugees to their countries of origin. The EU has so far invested the equivalent of 4.3 billion in various projects to ensure a humane reception center. But the agreements that have been established are observed poorly or not at all – simply that Libya is not able to manage the situation.

as the UN migrantbyrå IOM was able to help 37.000 persons to voluntarily return to their home countries and nearly 2,500 people have been evacuated. But the needs are many times over larger.

– We have over 700,000 migrants. It is a too heavy burden for us, ” said Mohammed Sayala, the foreign minister of Libya’s internationally recognised government, recently, the newspaper Libya Herald.

Libya is the rare bad been sent to organize and manage an effective and humane reception center.

Libya is the rare bad been sent to organize and manage an effective and humane reception center. The country is divided and ravaged by domestic unrest. The government as foreign minister Mohammed Sayala representing only have control over a small part of the country.

if the problem. In the beginning of march stated the EU-commission in its worries over ”the terrible conditions in Libya” and stated that the cooperation between the EU, the African union and the united nations must continue to help to free the migrants who ended up in detention.