the Liberal party’s political rapporteur, Britt Baker, polishes glorien and declares everything good.

But the message does not hold, points out Henrik Qvortrup, Extra Magazine political commentator.

– She makes herself dumber than she is, he says.

the Case is about, to the Left the woman has been revealed to have received 100,000 dollars in five portions á of 20,000 crowns.

the Money came from the same person. However, to avoid the public the money was donated through five different companies with five different cvr numbers.

the face of the Althing explains Britt Baker now in a mail, that she did not see any problem in donation.

‘What do you say to a law professor Jørgen Albæks criticism of your way to use the rules on which the minimum is ”in violation of the law of the spirit’ and possibly illegal?’, ask the Althing.

‘I don’t know of any specific spirit of the law, and I can’t see what it is, it would be wrong to follow the law. It is completely legal to receive the 20,000 crowns from different companies, and it has nothing to do with the case, who owns the companies. I have followed the current rules is the answer bl.a. from Britt Baker.

But the ‘formalistic søforklaring’ gives Henrik Qvortrup’t give a damn.

– Everyone knows that the intent of the rules is that contributions over a certain size must be public. Britt Baker is also a qualified lawyer.

– It is a little too cunning simultaneous to refer to some different cvr numbers and to 20+20+20+20+20 is 100. So should all be good? No, everything is not just good. There must be transparency on the here donations.

– It is possible that there is something formally jurisdisk problem. But ift. what the law is intended as, namely, the desire for openness and transparency, so it is obvious in violation of the spirit, he continues.

– Even my mother – who is not a lawyer – would be able to figure out that the idea is to create create public who contribute especially large amounts. The control eludes the man at rigid to refer to some cvr-numbers. It is the same, if it is the same man who is behind the donations, says Henrik Qvortrup.