maybe One should think better about, when you combined have almost two million followers on the social media.

Especially when the last six years has profiled himself on health and fitness on the basis of a strict vegan diet.

In each case, Yovana Mendoza Ayres, San Diego, USA, now granted in a video on YouTube that she is no longer vegan, but in recent months both have eaten both eggs and fish.

It is despite the fact that on her Instagram continue to could read about her vegan raw-food lifestyle.

the Realization comes when, after she a few months back was ’taken’ to eat just fish at a restaurant, writes several foreign media, among other things, Fox.

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CONFIDENCE is the most attractive attribute you can have. It doesn’t have to do with how you look, it comes from how you FEEL and the energy you give off. Accept and own your perfectly created body to feel comfortable in your own skin!! _ Day 9 of the 21 Day Raw Vegan Detox & Yoga Challenge! Being in Bali has reminded me even more of the importance of taking care of ourselves in body, mind and spirit! The NEW Rawvana guide has it all: raw vegan meal prep recipes, guided yoga routines, self love guidance, and self care to home treatments! You can JOIN the challenge by downloading it todayLINK ON PROFILE ——– LA SEGURIDAD es el atributo más atractivo que puedes tener. No viene de cómo te ves, viene de cómo te sientes y la energía que cargas. Acepta, abraza tu cuerpo pea sentirte cómoda a tu propia piel!! #rawvana #rawvegan _ Día 9 del Reto de 21 Días Crudivegano Detox y Yoga! Estar a Bali me ha recordado de la importancia de cuidar de nosotros a cuerpo, mente y espíritu! La NUEVA Guía Rawvana lo tiene todo: planes alimenticios Crudivegano, videos de rutinas de yoga guiada, guía de amor protejo y treatments against de cuidado personal a casa! Puedes unirte al reto dándole click al link en mi perfilLINK A MI PERFIL

A post shared by YOVANA MENDOZA AYRES (@rawvana)

According to the 29-year-old Yovana due to her new diet that she’s in over two years has not got her menstruation, and she has had problems with fordøjelsessytemet.

‘It has really been hard, because I’m in so long almost considered animal food as poison for my body. That the kind of food suddenly a necessity for my health, really has been hard to accept and recognise’, she says, among other things in the video, which has nearly 300.000 views.

‘I want to bring children into this world, and how can I get a family, if my health is not in order’, says.

if you think you have a healthy lifestyle, it can easily relate reverse.

Women, who train a lot, eat plant based and eat too little, can develop hormonal disturbances, says associate professor specializing in nutrition and health from the College Preben Vestergaard to Ekstra Bladet.

He points at the same time, a solely vegan diet can cause nutritional problems.

– for example, not getting enough iron can be a big risk, especially if you are of childbearing age, says Vestergaard and pointing at the same time, supplements in the form of pills is not the right solution.

– There is nothing wrong in eating vegetables. We just need to remember to eat a variety. Especially if you are very active, says the lektoren.

On the social media, however, it is also not everyone who buys Yovana Mendoza’s explanation.

‘Even a fake vegan who steals money from our society’, writes one.

‘She earns money on the vegans for so even to buy animal products. Sickening’, writes another, while a third is raging:

‘Honest, authentic and sincere? Strange word to use, when you have lied and made money on veganism, when you at the same time, has eaten animal products.’

In spite of the harsh words and the new diet, will Ayer, however, still continue his side ‘rawvana’.

Yovana Mendoza has a total of 1.8 million followers on YouTube, Twitter and Instagram.