Daniel Beskos, Mairisch, Hamburg

We strive to use gender asterisk, where it is elegant to use. For example, you can “invite the authors” event. Not so good is it, “to go with the author*in to the venue”. As we rely more on “with the author or the author”. Otherwise, the question of whether, and to people as is, entirely at the discretion of the author. Personally, I can understand the concern about the elegance of the language, to voice, however, both the political as well as the language of theoretical justifications, as recited Katja Lange-Müller Recently in the “daily mirror”, not always. I think that language has an impact on our Actions. It contributes to an equal Position of a woman, if we persons are addressed each Time, the reader*Is inside of a text to Think about the gender and the assignment (there is an author? There are authors? Also, the women are there and meant to be?) . Easy, because the language is structured so, that the man of the rule, and the woman is the special case. This applies to change it.

Wolfgang horns, Galiani, Berlin

we wanted to so far, people still have no author. This would be the case, it would certainly be possible. A default for this, there is not. In the cover Letter of the publisher, we turn in all the rules of “authors”, “colleagues”, or “Booksellers and book dealers”. Asterisks or underscores, we do not use for aesthetic reasons. In my personal opinion, any excludes these solutions, so many sub-groups, that is not really fair. And I personally feel as a reader in the reading flow and rhythm would be disturbed. I take it, like it, like any attempt to standardize the language but not

Britta jürg’s, AvivA Verlag, Berlin

In the case of AvivA is gegendert. As, however, this will be handled with flexibility and in consultation with the authors, Translators, and Translators. For the books is just that it is not the male Form should stand alone. Either used Internal-I or the male and female Form. This applies of course only for the “new” texts, while “old” texts are reproduced in the spelling of the time. The meetings in the Virginia woman’s book of criticism, always appear with Inland-I, but may also have a Gender, asterisks, if the reviewer so wishes. Who is not called, unfortunately, is not considered automatically. Therefore, I find the implementation of a gender-neutral language is important, and to see this as an enrichment, not as a circumcision.

Annette Knoch, Droschl, Graz

“love all and allinnen” is for me a good example of the difficulty in dealing with gender joint salutations. The Gendering is important to us, but it is still not a really nice write variant. In General, publishing texts, and Write we always use the fully-qualified forms, so “our authors”, “dear readers,” etc., The Internal-I we do not use, because sentences with Inland-I, or an asterisk to read still not liquid. In the books itself, it is actually at the discretion of the author or of the author, in the fiction is usually not gegendert must be, because it is evident, whether of a woman or a man. Seems to be aware of gendering is a question of the Generation and of the political attitude of us to be.

Helge Malchow, KiWi, Köln

in Principle, we do not distinguish in terms of spelling between the prose and non-fiction book. We comply with the rules in the Duden, the last instance is always the author, the author. Basically, I think that behind the whole discussion is a false picture of language. It is used as a battle field. It is a mistake to believe that one could change from today to tomorrow through a new pair of morally or politically motivated interventions. Language changes are a tough process.

Nikola Richter, micro-text in Berlin

micro-text has no in-house policy, but trying to communicate as possible, including and specifically. So Mailings go to “journalists”, soon to “Journalist*”, and if the author are on the inside of the Stand, it just authors. Our contracts are customized, so I don’t need to “read the author”, if the contract is concluded with an author. If a writer in your biography, it’s happened before, prefers to be called author, and generic designations will strengthen as the asterisk or the underscore character, it is also in order. I, myself, do not attack at all, each title has its own internal politics and logic. If, however, consistently only the generic masculine is used, but clearly, that women are included, the proofreading of the female Form. Language is the expression and mirror of our life together, therefore, it changes with us, see Kiezdeutsch and new Germany. Or see the Austrian Puneh Ansarim, we have published below the is, title: “the vorlons grace'”. After this, we should clearly formulate that language habits seem exclusionary, the result is different. Above all, we should conduct ourselves but also different. Maybe diversity for publishers is not to perceive the inside easier as you move from marginalisation, yet there were still so many Publishers. And I’m Proud to be a publisher.

Andreas Rötzer, Matthes & Seitz, Berlin

We do not track any in-house policy, especially as we would then have to gendering and a Catholic polemicists such as Léon Bloy (1846-1917), whose diaries, letters and prose we publish in the future,. That would be funny. Basically, the living author, with the desire to gendering occurs in the fiction, rarely decides in the case of us otherwise, in the non-fiction book, however, more and more often. Personally, I think it is good that all upset about the Pro and the Contra of the asterisk, which brings attention to the cause.

Susanne Schüssler, Verlag Klaus Wagenbach, Berlin

In the texts of the publishing house, there are Internal, in our series, DaCapo, is about the topic of table compiled poems of Erich Fried. Asterisks and underscores are not provided. Then it will just sometimes take a little longer, dear readers! In principle, our author decide, but authors, if only the readers or the readers are called inside. Otherwise, our beautiful German language is to attack the Gender-survive. The new spelling is swept also without too much storm damage over us.

Jörg Sundermeier, verbrecher Verlag, Berlin

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The Queer dictionary What is the gender of asterisk?

Anja Kühne

In our house we keep it this way: All of our authors on the way, people who prefer them, so with gender asterisk, with a gender gap, with Inland-I, or speak of authors. Some of the Older use of the generic masculine. This is up to you.