Monday was the last day for the consultation bodies to comment on the government’s proposal to extend the period of temporary asylum until July 2021. The temporary law was introduced by 2016, and limit the asylum seekers ‘ the opportunity to obtain a permanent residence permit. Just after lunch on Monday had about half of the more than 70 bodies consulted responded.

the Swedish SSR is for the right to family reunification, however, calling the proposal ”a legal patchwork”, LO believes that it is ”unfortunate” that the parliament without a thorough investigation into the changing regulatory framework in a more liberal direction, the Swedish Tax agency is calling the proposal ”flawed” and, in common with the Teachers ‘ association requires you återremittering.

For the Swedish migration board, the proposal will involve more complex trade-offs. This means longer processing times – which also affects the asylum seekers.

“the Law will have consequences that we never seen before,” says Mikael Ribbenvik, director general at the Swedish migration board, in a pronounced.

it is the part of the proposal relating to family reunification. The right was curtailed sharply when the law was introduced in 2015 – but now proposes easing, according to the agreement between the government, the C and the L.

According to the new text should reunification be granted ”if the person eligible for subsidiary protection are considered to have reasonable prospects of being granted a permanent residence permit”. The application must be made within three months after the decision on the residence permit of the close relative shall not be subject to conditions regarding maintenance.

it will lead to that you have to do three different trials in each case. In practice it is all about:

1) In advance assess whether the applicant for asyls protection remains when the temporary authorization expires and whether it can obtain a permanent residence permit.

2) to Assess the ability of the individual can support himself or herself and the loved one who the want to be reunited with Sweden.

3) Make a determination of whether a permanent residence permit can be current because of to the applicant for asylum has been long-term resident in Sweden during the last five years.

– It would be good if the law clarifies the circumstances which should be taken into account, ” continues Mikael Ribbenvik.

who fled the war in Syria and who got asylum in Sweden have received temporary residence permits. The migration board now has to manage over 30,000 förlängningsansökningar at the same time it received the 20,000 new applications. The government also wants the Swedish migration board short processing times.

Several of the bodies consulted, including the Swedish SSR, believes that it is time that Sweden will return to grant refugees and persons in need of protection a permanent residence permit.

the LO requires a thorough investigation, so that Sweden will get a ”long-term, sustainable migration policy” and also mean that the permanent residence permit is desirable – but that it must be weighed against Sweden’s long-term opportunities to integrate and establish new arrivals.

is negative to the proposal that it describes as contradictory and difficult to apply. The bar association also raises questions about the so-called gymnasielagen, which is included in the whole. Community mean for example that it is an unreasonable demand on the people during the 25 years since it is that one must have completed a high school education to obtain a permanent residence permit. It may, inter alia, the consequence that one who is under 25 years and have established themselves in the labour market may not stay if it is not passed the high school, but the one who is over the age of 25 and have a job get it.

the DN has previously noted that many of the young people who applied for temporary residence permit according to the gymnasielagen already have to wait several months for a decision.

is critical and feels that the proposal developed over a short period of time and that it lacks ”the necessary analysis and consequence descriptions”. To facilitate family reunification in view, however, is a good thing because it rhymes better with the Echr.

the SKL, Sweden’s municipalities and county councils, also points to the need to sort out the welfare system that those who are granted a residence permit on the basis that they currently can not be rejected, shall be governed by. This should be done before making any changes in the law, mean the SALAR.

Read more: Extended family reunification would give marginally more asylum cases