The Chancellor wanted to back “a bit” – so, allegedly, wrong impression corrected. Instead, it has increased the uncertainty. The allies in Nato and the EU want to know: Germany can keep the multi-reiterated commitment to its defence expenditure will increase until 2024 to 1.5 percent of GDP? Or it is again – the word brittle?

Germany Is still trustworthy?

It is now, you must say so clearly, the international trustworthiness of this country and its government. The high and Holy promised 1.5 per cent are the result of a lengthy debate, with the aim of Germany’s Alliance capability after a word break. Actually, the target brand, the SPD is adopted as the CDU – Minister several times, two per cent. The supposedly steadfast commitment of 1.5 percent of the lifeline.

Angela Merkel reiterated, at the “Global Solutions”conference, that the 1.5 per cent will apply until 2024 and also be achieved. But she has also confirmed that following the issue planning your government’s defense spending is not linear to this value are on the rise. But you will only sink in once again: from 1.37 percent of GDP in 2020, to 1.25 percent of GDP in 2023.

Because a crucial question remains open – and to do this, you should explain: How is it going to come from 1.25 percent in 2023 to 1.5 percent in 2024? And why is this the better way, than to increase defence expenditure continuously, without jumps in front and back?

It’s about Europe, not to Trump and Grenell

At the Munich security conference and at other international Meetings has long since become clear: A new word-break can not afford the Germans, without the risk of damage to your Reputation. This applies in Nato, but also in the establishment of a common security policy of the EU.

so, It didn’t do to be alone with Donald Trump, consequently, not with his Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell. The outrage over Grenell is one of the distractions with which political Taktierer as Wolfgang Kubicki, the pressure of the crucial question want to take. Aimed at the Germans: Germany Is in the security policy, reliably, Yes or no?

to lead In the slope, deflection debates, instead of discussing the core issue, shows once again how easy it is to German politics and society have set up in the Illusion that they can ignore what’s going on the world politically. Germany is the fourth largest economy of the earth, and the world’s export champion. Since you can not do so, as it is a great neutral Switzerland.

The international environment to be riskier and more confrontational. Even if Germany would have been in the United States continues to be a reliable guarantor of its security, it would have to do more. And as Ex-defense Minister Volker Rühe calls, the most powerful conventional armed force in Europe to build.

are Independent, without spending money on it – not

Now, politicians and experts of all Stripes say that Germany and Europe would have to be “strategically Autonomous” – also due to Trump, but not only because of Trump. So, then, would be to duplicate efforts.

How is it that Germany is calling for more security and political autonomy for himself and for Europe, but the money would not approve? The Bundeswehr is in a pitiable condition. A large part of the device is not capable of. Germany, under joint armament projects with France – writes a common tank, a common fighter aircraft. Also, it costs money, but also to ensure the necessary funds are not budgeted for.

The SPD seems to have existence afraid of each state, forget it. It relies on social spending to the voters catch instead of the safety. If you have not miscalculated there, what is the electorate? And the CDU can’t decide in your transition situation, apparently, is to adopt a clear Position.

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Ex-Minister of defense

Mathias Müller von Blumencron

all of This is part of the context of why Germany’s credibility is on the line. It’s not about Trump. It comes to the question of whether the Germans are reliable allies for the French, the Dutch, Spaniards or Canadians. Or not.