“Bouteflikas party are turning against the president”

“The sjuklige algerian president Abdelaziz Bouteflikas governing party, the FLN, abandoning support for the leader and join the ranks of his opponents. The party now supports the protest movement, which attracted out hundreds of thousands of people in the capital Algiers and other algerian cities, in full, reports the country’s state news agency.”

“After a month of demonstrations against Bouteflika and his regime calls for the FLN a dialogue.”

“in the Past, Algeria’s new oppositionskoalition, the National coordination for change, claimed that Bouteflika depart and that the military should not interfere in the political process. The military has indicated so far is that it supports people’s demands, and has kept a low profile during the protests.”

“The 82-year-old Bouteflika of algeria announced in February that he is in violation of the constitution – the candidate for president for a fifth time in the presidential elections scheduled for 18 april. The news got the opposition of the population, who in their hundreds of thousands took to the streets in discontent.”

“Bouteflika has since withdrawn the candidacy, but also moved forward the presidential elections for an indefinite period of time. Instead of replacing the ruling power, as the protest movement requires, he has declared a ”