“It is not possible to save more on our schools”

“Debater: the School must be seen as an investment – not an expense”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Just today, the Swedish association of local authorities and regions (SKL), its congress, and at the same time hails the reports of cuts at the school in the municipalities, often in the name of efficiency. “

“But it is not possible for the teachers to raise the tempo, but that the students suffer. Teachers already do their best and to run extra fast in skolkorridoren can sometimes as soon as counterproductive. “

“Sure you can digitisation help to make the job easier but to really be of help, there must be good conditions, not least in the form of training, the opportunity to make individual adaptations to the students and good supportstöd. “

“So by the cherished digitisation are saved usually have no money. The ability to make a proper for – and finishing work is a prerequisite for quality in education. “

“the Time to this is eaten up, however, by more teaching hours and the work-around that really doesn’t have teaching to do. This leads to many teachers in the frustration considering leaving the profession. With the increased besparingskraven around the country, compromised now skollagens clear obligation on the school shall promote all children’s and pupils ‘ development and learning. “

“Often nedskärningspolitiken a result of the municipalities’ short-termism. The school is seen as a line in a one-year perspective, while the school really is a long term investment with long lead times. Therefore, it requires politicians with the ability to see the long-term because of a politician’s term is much shorter than a student’s schooling.n n ”

“When municipalities are now cutting down on the school, there is an obvious risk that schools will be doubly penalised because the municipalities could miss out on the contribution of the increased equivalence in the school. The grant requires that the municipalities do not reduce their expenses for teaching and pupil welfare. “

“For the municipalities is the contribution of slightly more than sek 3 billion and for a single municipality, it means a considerable amount in lost revenue. There are probably few local residents who agree that local councillors on the way biting themselves in the tail, and with eyes wide open, choosing away such an important addition to the school. “

“For me it is obvious that we need to see school as an investment and not a cost. Therefore, the state must take the responsibility far into the future. The national policy sets up the school’s guidelines with the education act, curricula etc. Reasonable would be that the also order to pay. “

“the Possibility should be bigger to be more long-term in the funding and also to ensure that assignments are compatible with the resources allocated.”

“When the minister of finance Magdalena Andersson today emerges for the more than 450 leading local politicians, it is my hope that she invites the local politicians to fully assume their responsibility for the school as long as they now have it. “

“It is not enough to already now begin to divest itself of the responsibility and mismanage the school even if Januariavtalet clearly says that the interacting parties now have developed a decision-making basis that can create the conditions for a state authority for the school. “

“As with all successful stafettväxlingar have the speed to be maintained, and the baton is handed over in a way that makes no one gets hurt or runs away. “

“It takes a long time to build up a good schools, but it goes quickly to demolish it. Our politicians need to understand that they have to deal carefully with the school. The school is not a short-term cost. It is a long-term investment!”

“nÅsa Fahlén, president of the Teachers Association”

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