Knokke-Heist, Within five years from the windmills off our coast more than twice as much electricity generation as it is today, enough to all the Belgians at home to provide power. The place is there, but the wind farms to build, there must be a new law be voted. The federal government should urgently work on this, find the investors of the Belgian wind farms.

The number of wind turbines off our coast is growing exponentially. In 2009, the first wind turbine of C-Power on the Thorntonbank electricity start to produce. Ten years later, there are already 318 for our coast, the 44 turbines of the new wind farm in Northern counted. Northern is the sixth wind farm off our coast. Resigning prime minister, Charles Michel has this morning officially opened, 23 km of the sea.

next year will be another 3 wind farms built, but after that it is the development of the windcapaciteit at sea is uncertain, and especially too slow

Annemie Vermeylen, secretary-general of the Belgian offshore platform,

The six wind farms together produce as much electricity as 1.600.000 families consume. That puts Belgium in fourth place in Europe, after the United Kingdom, Germany and Denmark. Our country produces more energy at sea than in the Netherlands.