The appearance at the Global Solutions Forum was for Angela Merkel, a Ride through the various topics of your policy. Because after her speech, she faced questions from Moderator John Micklethwait, editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News, as well as from the audience. And so the language also came to the Brexit.

Here, the Chancellor made it clear that she wants to avoid with all the force of a chaotic withdrawal of Britain from the EU. “I’m going up to the last hour of the duration of the 29. March fight for it, that we come to an orderly exit,” said the CDU politician. There is “still some time” to reach an agreement on an orderly Brexit.

The Chancellor was a sense of helplessness in the face of a hopeless political situation in London where the President of the Parliament, on Monday, unexpectedly, a new vote on the Brexit Treaty cancellations. From this news, she was surprised. “I have to admit that I the rules of procedure of the British Parliament from the 17. Century had not actively present,” the Chancellor said smugly. It had taken interested note of. “I see myself now at this hour are unable to speculate anyway, what I’m going to be on Thursday,” Merkel said. This depends on the next steps of the British Prime Minister, Theresa May and the other Happened in the London house.

On Thursday, the heads of state and government gather in Brussels to discuss the Brexit. May is expected to ask the EU colleagues about the for the 29. To move March of a fixed exit date. However, many detailed questions are still open.

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order a restraint in the case of the German Bank and Commerzbank

Apart from the Brexit Merkel also commented on the potential merger of Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank. “This is something private economic issues,” said the Chancellor at the Global Solutions Forum and have recommended to all members of the government restraint. You would appreciate it if political actors would not comment publicly until the negotiating parties had come to a result. “Then the Federal government obviously has an interest to analyze this, because he thinks Yes 15 percent in Commerzbank, but that’s a pretty small percentage,” said Merkel. Only the Parties themselves could evaluate the opportunities and risks arising from such a Fusion.

the debate on the use of technology in the Chinese group Huawei, the Chancellor warned against naivety. At the same time, she said, many countries have used technology from Huawei and you have certain requirements for the 5G network. From Merkel’s point of view, one should not exclude any participants from the outset, just because they come from a specific country. A European solution in this question, you described as desirable.

duties are not the biggest Problem

It was not the only call for increased international cooperation to Merkel. So they praised the climate of the Federal environment Minister, Svenja Schulze yesterday at the Global Solutions Forum is being touted CO2-pricing issue as a “theoretically best solution,” campaigned for a multilateral solution. It’s nothing when it come to shifting problems, because other countries have other rules.

Also in trade issues, she stressed the need for international cooperation. However, non-tariff trade not-be “obstacles”, as you called them, the much greater challenges as customs duties. So you meant different environmental, Social or health standards in different countries. “The big question of multilateralism is not the be-tariff barriers to trade”, – said Merkel.

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Global Solutions Summit, A call for greater international cooperation

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In this context, they commended the efforts of the Japanese government, at the next G20 Meeting in Osaka in June 2019, the issues of data security and digitisation on the agenda to lift. “We still have no solutions,” said Merkel.