a member of the European Union will want to, States that want into the club, prior to heavy tasks. These need to be worked through, Chapter by Chapter,. At the end of the so-called Copenhagen criteria. Since, in addition to economic issues, but also to the very basics, such as the observance of human rights, protection of minorities and democratic and the rule of law. Only when these requirements are met, the membership.

Is a state, but once in the Union, he can hardly be thrown out again. He is likely to leave, as the British try. But even if a country leaves the path of the rule of law, threaten him, possibly, economic sanctions, or fines up to the temporary withdrawal of the right to vote. The founders of the European Union have not just expected that a state is in their ranks undemocratic. The article seven of the Treaty on European Union, provides for sanctions, but which all member countries should, to the affected state, to agree.

Amm the example of Hungary, which is contrary to the opinion of many, especially Western European, EU members with its media policy and the fight against political dissenters against the commandment of the rule of law, one sees just how difficult to enforce sanctions. Because Hungary was a Partner in the spirit. The Polish government has already indicated that they would not agree to a procedure against Hungary. So that would be done.

From the political war of position out

The former German constitutional court judge Udo Di Fabio and the top candidate of the European people’s parties in the EU elections, Manfred Weber, have now suggested for such cases in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper, the establishment of a bipartisan panel of experts. At regular intervals, approximately every two years, it is for all member States, the compliance with fundamental rule-of-law principles check.

The European Commission could use, so the authors think that such a Council “recognized judge personalities” for a longer term. In one of the early versions of article seven of the Treaty on European Union, such a Committee had been mentioned already, remember Di Fabio and Weber. Undoubtedly, the proposal of such a Monitoring process has the advantage that each member state would be subject to. It would have to come to a formal impeachment procedure. Similar to the system already now by the Commission of violations against environmental guidelines, to be registered, could be held to this “Council of the Wise” from the political war of position of the member States.

More about

dismantling of democracy in Hungary, The end of Europe

Gregor Dotzauer

Well I would remind you is still, as in 2003, the then French President Jacques Chirac to the Eastern European accession candidates in a sharp Tone “respect” is demanded only because the had identified in the Iraqi crisis with the U.S. Position. Even now the accusations against Hungary and Poland, so they are entitled like in the case of political differences, superimposed, that have to do with the actual subject matter of the dispute. The implementation of the proposal could be a means to separate the factual allegations from the political battle of Opinions.