terrorists who have served their sentences, but continue to be classified as dangerous, will in future no longer need to be released from prison. The Federal office of police (Fedpol) is currently examining whether such an approach would be legally permissible. The spokesman Florian naef confirmed by a message from the Radio SRF. “We are investigating whether this can be the fundamental right agree on,” he says.

the result of the test is included in the message of the Federal Council to the “law on police measures to combat terrorism”. You should already be in the next few months.

As the Federal Council sent the draft of this law by the end of 2017 in the consultation, was not listed such security prison is still in it. First, the Cantonal justice and police Directors ‘ conference, had brought it into the consultation process. The cantons had today, no legal Instrument, it allowed them to keep as a dangerous considered terrorists even after their sentence in prison and to protect the population, justified them in their advance.

Controversial detention extension

This measure is therefore a Central concern for the cantons, which contribute to the internal security of the main responsibility, write to the police Directors. Together with the proposals of the Federal Council, they could complete the instruments, to ensure the safety of the population. The Federal Council proposes, among other things, that the so-called offenders must regularly report to a police station, that you are allowed to submit their passport and not leave the country or be placed under house arrest.

The proposal of the police Directors will be very controversial. “Each of us is potentially dangerous,” says Beat Gerber, spokesman of Amnesty International. Today, we focus mainly on the jihadis, tomorrow it may be the Hooligans. If now, however, the possibility is created, people trapped in a preventive way, it could meet each of us once. Just after the terrorist attack in Christchurch you would need to be clear where to set the limits.

Sometimes ankle cuffs

Amnesty International met criticism of the preventive detention, that offender would be retained only on the basis of a conviction and not because of a crime committed in prison. “In the fight against terrorism the fundamental rights could be sacrificed too easily,” says Gerber. The proportionality, the prohibition of discrimination or the presumption of innocence. To ensure the right of society to security, were also less drastic measures; the possible attacker could, for example, using foot restraints be closely monitored.

The present draft law designed by the Federal office of justice, under the Aegis of Federal councillor Simonetta Sommaruga (SP). That now the Office is under Federal councillor Karin Keller-Sutter (FDP) examines this controversial measure, considered Gerber as a further indication of this is that you Law-and-Order weighted stronger than its predecessor. Already a month ago, it has been shown that Keller-Sutter strikes in the fight against terrorism is a tougher approach; she has spoken out against the Federal jihadis coming back to Switzerland, in Syria, in the custody of Kurdish militias. This could endanger the safety of Switzerland and should, therefore, be asked in Syria before the court, she said. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 18.03.2019, 15:36 PM