In Denmark, it is more the rule than the exception, young people of 15-17 years have tried to become acquainted with alcohol.

IN the UNITED states, however, it is illegal before the age of 21 years, and, therefore, must, as exchange student in God’s own country take care violent in heed, if you’re offered a beer.

It has more Danish young people had to true, after they have been yanked out of their exchange program and sent home to Denmark before time.

But there may be an opportunity to get reimbursed for some of it expensive stay.

It shows a number of orders from the Package-board, which were delivered respectively the 4. July 2018, the 11. september 2018 and 26. October 2018, but only recently has been published in full length.

In the first case, a young dane in august 2017 for the UNITED states to be at the high school in a year. The price for a year long stay was 79.128 crowns, and the journey was organized by Explorius Education.

But the stay did not end well for the young girl, for although she was supposed to come home in June 2018, so she had already involuntarily Danish soil under the feet of the 5. October 2017.

Just two months after his departure, she was thrown home to drink alcohol for a wedding with her host family.

‘Explorius have what we call nultoleranceregler, when it comes to alcohol, drugs, smoking and sex. It means that it is totally forbidden for you as udvekslingselev, and you may risk to be put on the first plane home at his own expense, if you break these rules,’ write to the tour operator.

However, thought the young udvekslingselevs parents that their daughter had to bear the blame for alkoholindtagelsen, and it was why they took the case for Package-board in order to get compensation.

‘For the feast will be served alcohol for both our daughter and a Finnish exchange student, who is also invited. Who stands for udskænkningen, we are in doubt, but it is some of the adult guests, as there are no alcohol promote for free (…) Our daughter has thereby been given a wrong impression that the rules were a little elastic, and not actually have to be observed to the letter’, write the girl’s parents.

And Package-board of appeal gave the Danish parents upheld, precisely because she drank alcohol during a private event where she was in the host family’s care.

Why should Explorius Education in all pay 65.989 dollars back to the family for the failed high school-stay.

In another case, where there is ordered the 11. september 2018, it is also Explorius Education, who sent a young person to the UNITED states for a prepaid price of a total of 74.366 crowns.

He should have been off from august 2016 to July 2017, but he was expelled from the stay and sent home already in november 2016.

According to the Explorius Education is the reason that the young person was taken to a party without a ‘chaperone’ and had told his host family he was going on a sleep-in agreement. The dane admitted later that he had drunk three beers at the party, and had become sick of it.

When the young guy came home to Denmark again tried his parents to get compensation for the rest of the stay.

‘now refers to a ‘drinking episode’, which I do not know what exactly goes out on (…) the Message the past has indisputably been, that one would disregard it. Everyone in the class was involved, including the host family’s child’, writes the parent in an email to Explorius Education.

But Explorius Education stood firm:

‘in response to your mail I can tell it to consume alcohol while you are on the program, is a breach of the rules and hjemsendelsesgrund. We can’t begin to express such a crucial rule. Your child has told, that he voluntarily drunk, and thus interrupted the program, and he sent back to Denmark. In addition, has your child broken the law in the host country by consuming alcohol. Alcohol must not be consumed when you are under the age of 21 – unless you have got it by your parents or your guardian’, responds the agent.

And in this case, the agency upheld by the Package-board.

’the Board of appeal finds that the complainant’s child took alcohol during their participation at a private party without værtsforældrenes knowledge, and therefore, the Board of appeal, to the exchange organisation was entitled to expel him from the program. The board of appeal can therefore not meet the parent’s claim for compensation’, according to the warrant.

In a third case, where there is a ruling on the 26. October 2018, it is COMMUNITY Education, as a parent trying to get compensation from.

This time the case is not about drinking, but about whether the exchange lived up to the expectations that the Danish family had.

A Danish high school student should have had a school year in the UNITED states from august 2017 to June 2018. The price was 97.150 million, which was prepaid.

But already in november 2017, she was back in Denmark again.

the Girl’s family believes that the stay was utrygt and the accommodation with the host family was unsatisfactory, and therefore asked the Package-the board of appeal to take a position on a claim for refund of the entire tour price.

’the host Family is cute enough, but all the recreation going on in the home, they never get anywhere and she will not be allowed to or the opportunity to get out and possibly see something or just get out in general. She is only in her room or in the school. In the room there was no heating, it is only in the living room, so here in the winter is very cold in the room, and she sleeps with the jacket on’, write the parents.

the Family’s repeated plea to the COMMUNITY Education had no effect, so the girl’s parents asked her to come home, and she broke off, therefore, the stay.

COMMUNITY Education thought that because the girl voluntarily withdrew from the stay, then a refund is not possible.

the Package-the board of appeal was, however, agreed with the girl and her parents and writes in the order:

’the Board of appeal finds that the complainant was accommodated in an unheated room, as she had to stay in, when she was not in school, and did not have the opportunity to get out and experience the american culture. On this basis, and due to the supply of unsatisfactory services, shall the Board of appeal, that the purpose of the journey has been essentially misguided. The complainant is therefore entitled to cancel the agreement and get the tour full price paid. Since the journey, however, is found not to have been without value to the plaintiff, establishes a reimbursement to the bureau of 15.000 kr. The complainant is then entitled to a refund of 82.150 crowns.