More than 80,000 people are under full supervision – they, too, may in the future choose. The Bundestag has decided after a long debate, an Amendment to the electoral law.

people who are cared for in all Affairs, should no longer be excluded altogether from elections. After months of struggle, the Bundestag adopted a motion from the coalition factions, to develop an appropriate Reform of the Federal and European election law. After the Federal elections act and the European electoral law the existing election law exclusions should be repealed.

Bundestag at odds over the implementation of the inclusive election

Changes are, in Principle, there was considerable agreement in the Bundestag, is necessary. However, the perceptions differed on how this should be done. This was reflected in the result of the vote. The request of the coalition factions came to 345 of 585 votes cast. However, no one voted, the other 240 members of the Parliament abstained.

For three decades, is fighting to Reform. People who are under the full care, should get an assistance on the page to be able to be free and self-determined to choose. The Chairman of the Federal Association of Lebenshilfe, and SPD Deputy Ulla Schmidt said it was a success. So far, spiritually, or mentally impaired people can be, under certain circumstances, from options excluded. In 2013 the was, according to the Federal constitutional court 82.220 people.