“Greta Thunberg skolstrejk for the climate”

“Greta Thunberg: ”you know who You are that created this crisis”.”

“Hundreds of thousands of young people demonstrating the world over for the climate”

“Hundreds of thousands of students all over the world are on strike today for the climate. “

“At Sergels torg in Stockholm, with several thousand gathered.”

” We are facing an existential crisis, the biggest crisis ever. You know who you are that has created this crisis, ” said Greta Thunberg in his speech at Mynttorget.”

“Greta Thunberg, 16, was acclaimed both in English and national media when she started skolstrejka after the election. Her strike was the beginning of a climate movement that has now spread all over the world. “

“for several months the pupils have one day a week, have been on strike for the benefit of the climate. And on Friday it was time for a big joint global action. Students from over 100 countries cut class to demonstrate against global warming. “

“Klimatstrejken in Stockholm began with a gathering at Sergels torg, where students from several of Stockholm’s high schools had gathered. “

” We have come here to politicians and policymakers should pay attention to it more, said some of the students at Sergels torg. “

“During the Friday was filled with Greta Thunberg social media of pictures and movies from all over the world – from Sydney, Australia, where over 30 000 people had gathered to Trento in Italy, where thousands of students marched. ”Nepalese Youth for Climate Action” said hello to Greta, via Twitter, at 10 Downing Street in London marched the youths with placards, as well as in many places in Germany, Finland, France, germany, Luxembourg, India, Hong kong, Italy, Spain, Korea, the Philippines, south Africa, Vanuatu, New Zealand … the list is almost infinite. “

“Many of the students’ message was addressed to politicians. And the march will end on Mynttorget, outside parliament, where Greta Thunberg skolstrejk began in the fall. One of the politicians who were in place to support the march was party political:”

“– We must listen to young people, they want change now, and it is something that gives me hope, ” says Jonas Sjöstedt.”

“the Students that Aftonbladet spoke with had several suggestions for what both the politicians and individuals can do. “

” I think we need to raise taxes on both petrol and aviation. Then can we ourselves stop using the engångsplatsprodukter, said the participant, Lovisa. “

“– We can eat significantly less meat, ” says student Molly.”

“Several of the students praised the Greta for her commitment. “

“I think she is really tough as they stand up for their opinions and it is really good,” says the skolstrejkande student Oliver. “

“Shortly after 12 o’clock stepped Greta Thunberg and young people from ”the Fridays for future” up on the stage to give a speech. They were met by a large crowd who chanted ”Greta! Greta! Greta” as it echoed over the whole of the Mynttorget.”

” We are facing an existential crisis, the biggest crisis humanity has ever faced. You know who you are who have ignored this and those of you who are most guilty of this. We are not the young people who created this strike. We are on strike to have a future and we will continue, ” said Greta Thunberg in his speech.”