Deinze Queen Mathilde has Friday morning was a visit to the DVC Heilig Hart Deinze. The queen made time for a chat with zorgvragers and staff, and took enthusiastically part in a session of meditative rolstoeldansen. “This gives a lot of energy to those who day in and day out commitment to our zorgvragers”, says managing director Dirk Remy. In DVC Sacred Heart will be 400 children and adults with an intellectual disability accommodated.

A day to celebrate. This is how the people at DVC Heilig Hart for the visit of queen Mathilde to the Week of Care. The queen should ‘experience’ and did this by dancing during a session of meditative rolstoeldansen. Also got some zorgvragers also have the opportunity to engage in dialogue with Her Majesty. So the 27-year-old Eliah Brown. By a traffic accident in 2015 walked the young man to a brain injury with a locomotory disorder and a serious impulscontroleproblematiek. Eliah staying with Video, a leefgroep of eight zorgvragers with a non-congenital brain damage. “What I have said against the queen? I asked whether her daughter, princess Elisabeth, is still single,” laughs Eliah. “She was a bit surprised, but she told me that the princess is currently in Wales to study. I looked forward to her visit and I found her a very friendly lady. But I would still want to give that all educators have a bouquet of flowers earn, they do wonderful work.”

When I asked her whether her daughter Elisabeth still single, was queen Matilda, a little surprised, but she was very friendly

Eliah (27) that stay in DVC Heilig Hart

Chris Jooris was allowed to tell her story to the queen. Over the past 22 years makes Chris alone – her husband died – for her now 45-year-old son Piet. “As eight-year-old boy got Pete involved in a heavy accident,” says Chris. “We were on vacation in Italy and he was with his sisters and the play, to a reckless motorcyclist him over reed. He has a year in coma are located, and since then he lives in the week here. Over the past 22 years, I come to him every day. Piet was very excited about the visit of the queen and you felt that they greatly meeleefde with our story.”

Hand on shoulder

“Queen Matilda is an incredibly involved and committed person, that you see immediately,” says managing director Dirk Remy. “Just the way the kids approach it, by immediately her hand on their shoulder to explain something, you can just not acting. Physical contact is so important for those people and that she knows. The queen has also on several occasions her admiration expressed for the way our staff handles the zorgvragers and how our people everything to make them as comfortable as possible. That is great, we are proud of our work, and if it is even recognized by someone such as queen Matilda, it gives us an extra energy boost to continue to do.”

The visit ended with a performance of the band BAM or Bachte Music group. At the exit of the DVC was the queen uitgewuifd by pupils of Ter Leie. Despite the fierce gusts of wind made the queen was still time to greet them. No, something like acting you are indeed not. In Bachte-Maria-Leerne will be Friday, march 15 long remember.

On Sunday, march 17, put the DVC open the doors for the general public. It is not a traditional open day, but a belevingsdag in the theme of ‘Special Brains’. You can in the life of the zorgvragers with an intellectual disability and experience for yourself what it does to you. Everyone is welcome between 10 to 17 hours. More info and