“Linnéa Claeson damaged in the ”Let’s dance” – shows up the bloody picture”

“She is in the full process of rehearsing for the premiere of ”Let’s dance”.”

“But now tell Linnéa Claeson that she has been injured during the rehearsal. “

“On Instagram she shares a gory image.”

“”Jäääääävlar!!!”, commenting on the comedian Bianca Kronlöf.”

“in nc for our public and handbollsspelaren Linnéa Claeson, 27, is one of the participants in this year’s edition of ”Let’s dance”.”

“But with only nine days left to the premiere seems something have gone wrong at the rehearsal.”

“During the Wednesday shared the ”Assholes online”-the founder of a shocking image on Instagram.”

“On the picture is her bloddränkta sandal.”

“Was that”in the’Let’s dance, they said. It will be fun, they said,” she writes.”

“Get the support of celebrities”

“In the comment field is visible several well-known profilers shocked reactions. “

“”Jääääävlar!!!”, writes the comedian Bianca Kronlöf, 33. “

“Jill Johnson, 45, has comments on three emojis in the form of a pair of hands that pray, a shocked smiley face and a heart.”

“Kroppsaktivisten Stina Wollter, 53, who took part in the ”Let’s dance” by 2017, writes that she can relate.”

“‘ Remember the blood, the pain in the feet, stukningarna,” she writes.”

“”Just tape it and run””

“Linnéa Claeson has been known for her feminist engagement, and in the comment box wondering a follower ”was the feminist movement in the dance is?”.”

“”The steep stairs shoe! No wonder they cut in and ruining feet,” writes the person.”

“But it is actually not about the sore feet but a big toe that had to face a hard heel, clarifies Claeson.”

“”But we’re running on, on the training and continue to dance in about ten minutes so it is quiet. Hurts just, hahaha,” she replies and seems to take damage with the ro.”

“”hanbollstjej have had myyyycket worse shit. It is just that the tape and drive are livsfilosofin”.”

“Nöjesbladet looking for Linnéa Claeson.”