for over a week, sought the police after the missed Bettina Kjær Arnsfeldt Olsen from Moen before she was found dead the 24. november 2017.

Now there is the indictment in the case, and the indictment against a 28-year-old man reveals new grisly details of the killing.

According to police, the 34-year-old woman killed by asphyxiation and as a result of blunt violence to the head.

the Indictment describes that Bettina Olsen was beaten and kicked several times in the head and on the body. She has also been knocked in the head with a blunt instrument.

even before the body was found, was arrested the police Bettina Olsen’s girlfriend. Since then, the now 28-year-old man in custody for the killing, but the case against the man has been running for the so-called closed doors, and therefore it has been kept secret, how the killing was committed.

According to the police was the killing probably in a newer Suzuki Swift the 12. or 13. november 2017. In the car was Bettina Olsen tied to a seat and got the neck omsnøret and tied to the headrest, it says in the indictment.

the Prosecution believes that the 28-year-old man is guilty of Bettina Olsen’s death, because he is not as soon as possible gave medical aid after voldsudøvelsen.

in Addition, is the man accused of the indecent treatment of the corpse.

According to the indictment, he should have saved the body during a ping-pong table, after he had packed it into a mattress.

It took place in an apartment on the Klintevej in Keldby in Stege, where Bettina Olsen was found dead on 24. november.

To Bettina Olsen has been the victim of a rough handling, the damage, which was found during the autopsy:

Widely used underhudsblødninger in the face, massive bleeding over kraniekuplen, fractured ribs, fracture of the nose and fractures of the spine and the left scapula, as well as bleeding, and abrasions all over the body.

Bettina Olsen was last seen alive the 12. november. Some days after she would have met up with a friend. When she came, was her friend uneasy, and the 16. november was Bettina Olsen reported missing by his cousin.

on the Night of the 19. november arrested the police the 28-year-old girlfriend. He was brought before a judge, who initially chose to extend the arrest of three day.

When the time was gone, that the man was again brought to a judge, who this time chose to varetægtsfængsle him, and he has since been imprisoned.

Later in the year the case must be treated by the Court in Nykøbing Falster. The 28-year-old refuses guilty.

Bettina Kjær Arnsfeldt Olsen was 34 years old.