Who wants to optimize his taxes who buys into the pension Fund, shall transfer money in the third pillar or renovated his own home. The longer, the more the tax burden can, however, also thanks to the children’s lower: they cost their parents a lot of money they can make in the tax a number of deductions claimed.

On Wednesday, the national Council has decided as the first Council, that parents can bring to the Federal tax, instead of as now 10’100 Swiss francs in the future, 25’000 Swiss francs for the care and supervision of a child in deduction and the child deduction should be increased from 6500 to 10 000 francs.

taxes more than halved

with a Good income would be parents of a noticeable benefit already with a child. You pay today, with a joint income of 250’000 Swiss francs 9502 francs to Federal tax, it would be with the higher deductions only 7111 Swiss francs – just under 2400 francs less. Since the Progression of the Federal tax, reduced the tax bill for each additional child up to 2400 francs. This example has been calculated by the Swiss Federal tax administration (FTA) for this newspaper. It was assumed that the parents contribute 40 and 60 percent of the joint income.

According to the Plan of the national Council of the list of deductions for families will be so no longer, but they will make it more effective: parents could, in the future, together with the insurance deduction per child up to 36’000 Swiss francs claims. In addition, you will be deducted from the tax amount yourself today 251 francs for each child.

More women work

benefited, However, only a small part of the families of a higher care deduction: Only 55 percent of all families have such a high income that you have to pay Federal taxes. And of these, only a minority are in the order of magnitude of 2 percent above 10’100 Swiss francs for the care of a child. The tax administration estimated that 13’800 households would benefit from higher deductions. Would those parents who adopt for this reason, a point, or workload increase. So it could be around 20’000 families. This number has been calculated, the FTA on the basis of control data from the Canton of Bern (2015).

The Federal Council wants to relieve with the template, but also by high earners: If both parents work full-time, you have a higher income, but also significantly more spending: you will have to pay higher taxes and higher care costs. This is because you will no longer receive subsidies. So it is often worth little more that both work. According to the Federal Council the cost of non-subsidised childcare place (five days per week) in most of the cantons, between 2200 and 2700 CHF per month, per year, for up to 32’000 Swiss francs. He expects that thanks to a higher care deduction against 2500 women a full-time answering or your workload will increase.

The Federal Council, however, wanted to increase the child deduction. This proposal was tabled CVP-Nationalrat Philipp Kutter, wanted to relieve all of the families. Finance Minister Ueli Maurer (SVP) has warned, “to open this box of Pandora”. In his submission, he expects to have Tax losses of “only” 10 million Swiss francs. Also, the children would have increased the deduction for all families, it would be up to 350 million.

families were also in cantons

relieved of This template, the national Council debated, concerns only the Federal tax. In recent years, many cantons have, however, increased the deductions for childcare, so that families were relieved when the heads of state and parish taxes.

The most generous of the Canton of Uri today: There professional can make working parents the cost of childcare in the tax return. In the Canton of neuchâtel, there are a maximum of 20’400 Swiss francs. A number of cantons, including Zurich, Basel-town, or Aargau, provide the Federal government a discount of around 10’000 Swiss francs. On the reluctant Catholic Valais: the deduction amounts to a maximum of 3000 francs. In all cantons and at the Federal this applies to children under the age of 14. The compilation of the Swiss Federal tax administration.

The national Council has supported the submission of yesterday, the 131-48 votes. He has treated them however, as the first Council – it is possible that the Council of States of an intervention of corrective. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 13.03.2019, 18:07 PM