On Friday is expected to klimatmanifestationer at over 700 locations in 60 countries take place. The global event, which goes under the name of Global Strike For the Future, is inspired by the 16-year-old Greta Thunberg as skolstrejkat on Fridays at Mynttorget, in downtown Stockholm since the parliamentary elections.

On Fridays, usually around 250 people connect to her striking, but it is now expected that much more.

this has caused some bryderier. In a letter to the several primary schools in the city of Stockholm has sent out to the parents, it is stated that you have understanding for that students want to take action on climate change through a strike. But it noted at the same time that compulsory schooling rules and to the rules for absences shall apply in the same way this day, just as during the year all other school days.

”We believe that the school instead should take the discussion through our democratic channels such as food – and the student council to see how we can further highlight the climate issue in their teaching and in our daily work environment,” it says among other things in the letter.

Vasa Real, one of the schools that have sent out the letter. She says that they do not know about the pupils at the school will participate in the manifestation, but to the purpose of the letter is to be one step ahead and inform the guardians about the current rules.

” We have not heard anything about that the students are planning to attend, but we have 780 students so it is impossible to know. There may be those who will be involved, ” says Carina Rennermalm.

” No, I don’t think so. A strike means in breach and here violating the compulsory schooling through to participate in the demonstration. It should not get free for.

Also Observatorielundens school where Karin Nord is the president has sent out the letter.

” We have coordinated it with the rest of the schools on the Right. The children may, of course, go down to the manifestation if they want to, but the obligation to attend school applies. We keep the school open as usual. It is up to the guardians to decide if their children get the permission to go and ignore the attendance is compulsory, ” says Karin Nord.

– No, the idea we have had, we have said that we should pay attention to the climate in the classroom in other ways. If you go to the demonstration but to get the invalid absence get to make the after-school period, ” says Karin Nord.

in the City of Stockholm, says it is positive that students want to engage in the climate issue. At the same time, he stresses, just as the rectors, that Friday is a regular school day and compulsory school attendance applies.

– The best if you want to participate in the demonstration is to request leave via the school’s usual procedures. Then it is up to each school to take the decision to give the learner time off.

On the question of whether it would be possible to include the manifestation in the teaching says Lee Orberson that instead in retrospect may engage in discussions about what Friday’s manifestation meant.

You can also connect the phenomenon and the event to the curriculum on sustainable development and climate change. I think that many teachers are already planning to do so, but it is up to the individual teacher to determine if and how the manifestation may be involved in the training.

school children in Stockholmområdet that can participate on the Friday’s klimatstrejk. In several places around Sweden, local klimatstrejker to take place. In Skåne, the question has been much discussed the last few days. At the Lund municipal secondary schools, the students have been warned of the withdrawal of student grants if they participate in the manifestation and have more invalid absences during the month.

On the island of Gotland, the issue of invalid absence is handled in a different way. Where may students in public schools who want to participate in the climate manifestation in Visby making it without getting the invalid absence.

” This fits within the curriculum. We’ll work with democratic education, sustainability and teach students to take responsibility for our earth. And there are many issues in this school can take up in social studies. The right to strike, for example, ” says Torsten Flemming is grundskolechef to the Whole of the island of Gotland.

Read more: French and british pupils in skolstrejk for the climate