In the series “Desperate Housewives” embodied Felicity Huffman’s eight seasons long, the Übermutter Lynette Scavo. The resident of Wisteria Lane had, at the end of the successful TV counting standard is unusual with five children. Twice she was pregnant with twins, with Lynette lost a Baby still in the womb, after they had rescued heroically a neighbor girl in front of a falling plane. TV everyday.

away from the TV fiction Huffman is apparently willing to do much for their children. A circumstance that catapults you now in the center of a bribery scandal at American universities.

On Tuesday, the state charged lawyers to have charges against a total of 50 persons have been involved in an illegal multi-million-Dollar business around the admission to prestigious Colleges and universities. It was about applicants with insufficient grade point average or to enable a lack of athletic skills, the access to Elite universities such as Yale and Stanford, against an appropriate fee.

15’000 dollars for 400 points

Huffman is one of 33 accused parents, who handled the regular system of selection, and their children access to higher education paid for. She was arrested on Tuesday temporarily.

The actress is paid, therefore, 15’000 dollars to have the answers of your oldest daughter to the “Scholastic Assessment Test”, in short: a SATELLITE, subsequently improve. Similar to the Numerus Clausus a certain score on the SAT is one of the entrance requirements at many U.S. universities. As the Washington Post writes, citing court documents, reached Huffmans daughter at the end of 1420 points – 400 points more than in the case of a sample test a year before.

From average athletic were Gifted athletes.

the head of the criminal Enterprise the “New York Times” according to the entrepreneur William Singer, the founder of the Edge College & Career network – a firm of consultants to prepare a well-to-do offered to the clientele, their young academic careers. In fact, this meant in many cases: to smear notes, beautiful, Uni-employees, in order for this approval, faked tests, and to bring the Trainer to bribe, on average, athletically Gifted, perceived as the top athletes at the universities.

Singer established according to the charge extra for a Foundation to process payments – so his net worth could drop in customer spending, even as donations from the tax. In addition to Huffman, a other prominent accused: Lori Loughlin, best known from the Sitcom “Full House”, which belonged in the 80s and 90s to the most popular formats in the US television.

One set of parents paid in Facebook shares

Singers company, which operated under the name of “The Key”, so: “The key”,, resided, appropriately, in the posh California coastal town of Newport Beach. This could not have just fallen out of the Hollywood clientele – Newport was once the scene of intrigue-rich series “O. C. California”. Singer should have taken his Scam $ 25 million between 2011 and 2018. One set of parents got him paid in Facebook shares, writes the “Washington Post”. Value (at the time of deal): more than 250’000 dollars.

Singer known on Tuesday before a court in Boston on all counts guilty – he cooperates with the U.S. Department of justice. The children as the beneficiaries of parental Intervention are not the focus of the investigation. You often knew nothing of the fraud. “The true victims in this case, the hard-working students”, – quotes the “New York Times” the competent Federal Prosecutor in Massachusetts, Andrew Lelling. They had been boots in the approval process of the “much less qualified students and their families, who have bought the access is not easy”.

Yale’s President Peter Salovey said the fraud uncovered in a letter to the entire Campus as an “Affront to the deeply rooted values of our University: inclusion and Fairness”.

34′ $ 700 for a year at a private College.

The testimony of a recognized University is the access card to many large companies and a well-paid Job in the United States. The places at the Top universities and Colleges are competitive, therefore, although the cost of a higher education degree can go straight to private institutions in the hundreds of thousands, and many graduates for years after your final debt, from the study of back pay.

The nonprofit organization College Board, the average fees for a public College in the academic year 2017/2018 were close to 10’000 dollars per year for students who studied in their home state. For all the other at about 25′ $ 600. Anyone who wanted to attend a private University, had to put it in force: approximately 34’700 dollars on average per annum. Cost of living not yet included.

For Singers customers probably Peanuts. One set of parents should have to pay to the contractor $ 1.2 million that he took your daughter as a supposed football star to Yale. And for Huffman and actor husband William H. Macy (“Fargo”) do not appear to be the 15’000 of dollars more worth talking about. Huffman is said to have earned as a desperate housewife, towards the end of 325’000 dollars per Episode.

you must now pay your own security Deposit: fixed to 250’000 dollars. Huffman came on Tuesday and again on free foot. You must appear at the end of March before a court in Boston.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 13.03.2019, 09:21 PM