the Promise of a quick profit on trade with bitcoins in these months several customers of a bank to voluntarily hand over data about their payment card to the crafty netsvindlere.

this is the sound of the warning from the Nets, who are also experiencing a general increase in fraud with debit cards.

– There has been an increase in the number of transactions, where there is fraud, said Louis Andersen, who is head of the Net’s effort towards the kortmisbrug, to Ekstra Bladet.

But in spite of the increase get the criminals less and less of each abuse.

112 – 1. feb. 2019 – at. 14:47 Danish police warns: This trick can be draining your account

the Explanation is that the Nets, along with the banks has been far better to automatically detect and curb the abuse before it runs out of control.

But with the help of fake postings on social media, where the celebrity allegedly tells of their own success with the trading with bitcoins, the crooks then found a shortcut to their victims.

– There is no doubt that there are some very advanced and skilled players in this market, says the assessment from Louis Andersen.

the Problem is that it can be very difficult to detect, that there is a scammer in the other end of the offer of a quick profit.

– In some cases we have heard of customers who were presented with a page on the web, where they could see ’their investment’ in bitcoins grow, even though it all of course was bogus.

According to the Pbs show case how important it is that you as kortkunde is even more critical for the websites to share her debit card with.

In some cases, customers were extorted of large sums of money landing in the scammers in Nigeria, Ghana, China and Russia.

– You are really taking people on the bed, because they think that now they can make an investment, which makes them very rich.

And it makes it more sophisticated, fraudsters have become more skilled at utilizing the Danish kendisnavne and communicate in a credible way.

Travel tips – 11. dec. 2018 – at. 22:11 Beware of the credit card: Here are the Danish tourists conned money from themselves.

Even though the fraud may be allowed to continue until the customer even noticing it, sitting Nets do not passively on the sidelines.

– We try to block the payment of more money, if we discover that the scammers are in time.

– But they are also very crafty and will typically make a totally new design, when they see that the cash flow is stopped.