IS the so-called caliphate has collapsed. The tyranny and the terrible abuse that terroristsekten exposed yazidier, christians and muslims is about to end, but for the region’s way back to peace and stability is still long. At the same time, the world and Sweden, facing questions about how we are helping to deliver justice and ensure security here at home.

ICE ravages among the darkest episodes in modern history. Women have been sold as sex slaves, children are forced to watch their parents tortured to death, and men beheaded in propaganda. They have tried to wipe out both groups of people such as the region’s cultural heritage. Those who traveled down to the conflict zone to join the ICE knew what mördarsekt they gave their support to. Now, those who have committed terrorist acts, war crimes or other violent crimes be held accountable for their actions. The guilty to be prosecuted and sentenced.

This applies to both Swedish citizens foreigners who are here. The government considers, however, that the need for a common international effort to deliver justice. After the second world war, after the war in the Balkans, and after the genocide in Rwanda established new tribunals and legal proceedings, which came to play an important role in generating transactions, redress and justice.

the foreign service personnel may not serve in the conflict zone. If a Swedish citizen would go to a Swedish embassy or consulate, the Swedish missions abroad have the opportunity to assist with consular support.

During Sweden’s time as a member of the UN security council took a proactive role to highlight the issue of accountability for ICE crime. The result was, among other things, the ongoing work in the UN auspices to gather evidence for the crimes committed in Iraq and Syria. The specific mechanisms for this, IIIM, and Unitad, will be able to assist future prosecutions against suspected criminals.

When more and more countries are now saying that Sweden does not intend to download the citizens who adhered to the ICE, we should look at all the legal paths forward to bring them to justice. Sweden has initiated consultations with other like-minded countries if the conditions to establish a special tribunal or similar mechanism. To conduct the trials in place in the region involves proximity to evidence, witnesses and the injured party. It’s a complex issue but the government will continue to push for common european efforts.

the child Perspective is central to the government. The possibilities to act on the spot, however, is limited because of the security situation. The foreign service personnel may not serve in the conflict zone. If a Swedish citizen would go to a Swedish embassy or consulate, the Swedish missions abroad have the opportunity to assist with consular support. The situation for the children is complicated, both legally and in terms of security and further analysed. In the cases where the children have already returned to Sweden, the social services connected and the situation of children is investigated so that appropriate action can be decided.

But IS the case also creates consequences for our safety here at home. The security service will inform the government regularly of their concrete measures. If someone takes it to Sweden so are the police and the prosecutors are ready to act. For the people who have returned from the conflict in Syria and Iraq is always done individual assessments and action is taken. The security service works with other authorities and international partners to prevent and investigate terrorist offences.

The return IS-the swedes, the authorities have a good cooperation. Through the Police department, convey the security information to the municipalities on the returner.

Since 1 January 2018 is also the Center against våldsbejakande extremism at the national council for Crime prevention. One of the centre’s main tasks is to provide needs-based assistance to municipalities in the prevention of våldsbejakande extremism. The centre has set up a network of the municipalities which are most affected by this problem with våldsbejakande extremism.

A series of legislative changes have already been made. Terrorismresorna have criminalised, as well as to receive terrorismutbildning. Moreover, all the financing of a terrorist organization illegal.

the six parties, the first time in december 2015 and a second time in June 2017, agreed on several important measures against terrorism has been a strength for Sweden. For all of the 29 points that have been laid down in the two agreements, the government has implemented or begun the work.

recently, the Government submitted three bills to parliament in order to further strengthen the conditions to combat of terrorist offences:

1 All the involvement and participation of a criminal offense. A special criminal liability for those who participate in the activities of a terrorist organisation and for the person who has dealings with such an organization is proposed to enter into force on 1 August. The new law will mean that more of the folds of the terrorismrelaterad crime.

2 signals intelligence. security service and the National operative department of the police should have easier access to the information from the signal intelligence in försvarsunderrättelseverksamhet from 1 August. It is of great importance for the possibility to get knowledge of foreign conditions and thus for the fight against international terrorism.

3 data Storage. the Government has submitted a proposal for new rules on data retention for law enforcement purposes. It means that the police and the Fbi returned one of the most important tools to prevent and investigate serious crime. To be able to use the digital traces is essential in order to increase security and combat the most serious acts such as terrorist offences.

The work is already started. At the end of march leaving a special investigator such a proposal, which the government will work further with in a fast pace.

It is clear that our work to prevent, prevent and deter acts of terrorism must continue. But those who by force would destabilize our society and create fear in order to influence the development of society and democratic decision-making, should not induce us to depart from the principles which form the foundations of our democracy. A continued broad consensus ensures that Sweden also continued to manage this balancing act.

the Threat from terrorism is changing, and our work to combat this threat must continue. In the defense of our democracy and our fundamental freedoms and rights, we will never be able to protect us against, but we must do everything we can to secure Sweden.