Economy The British parliament with a majority of 391 against 242 votes the brexitakkoord with the European Union rejected. The second rejection in two months time is a new blow for Theresa May. The prime minister let her mps will vote on tomorrow on the question of whether they are on the 29th of march, without agreement from the European Union.

In a first reaction late May “at the deepest level,” that the parliament is not behind the agreement, scissors. The prime minister assured the parliamentarians, however, that the vote tomorrow to continue.

A hard brexit without transitional period but? May well-known in the house of Commons that she wrestles with that question. The conservative prime minister had during the negotiations with the European Union, a departure without the agreement never excluded. Now recommends them to the members of parliament, however, to a ‘no deal’scenario, is to vote away because of “chaotic and harmful”. Her conservative party members will, however, free choice.

On the road to delay?
If the ‘no deal’scenario, the following Thursday a vote on a deferral of the brexit. May warned the members of parliament, however, that a renewal of the negotiations the problems are not of the table sweeps. In addition, for the European leaders to agree to a postponement and they will be well-founded reasons to want to.

leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn, the socialist Labour came up with another suggestion on the gpu. “It is time for general elections”, he said in a first reaction to the vote. According to Corbyn May realises all too well how much damage a disorganised departure would cause for the country and the economy.