After months of intrigue and open political battles to the house of commons now, once again, to have a say in it utträdesavtal as prime minister Theresa May has negotiated with the EU.

When the last ended up on the parliament’s table – on 15 January this year – was May a hearty rebuff. She lost by a historically large margin, and was forced to return to Brussels to seek new concessions from the EU.

on Monday evening, was nailed, finally, a few minor changes, in the form of written, legally binding addendum to the contract.

if it can appease the members. According to the chancellor Geoffrey Cox is still a risk to the british ”caught” in the disputed reservplanen for northern Ireland (referred to as the ”backstop” in English).

But with just over two weeks left to Brexitdagen on 29 march, many in the Uk feeling that this may be the last chance to achieve an agreement.

Hundreds of protesters – both for and against Brexit – gathered on Tuesday outside the parliament building in Westminster.

the 47-year-old Jeff Rees had put on a snorkel, goggles and swimming ring and holding a placard with the text: ”A Titanic Success”.

” We are about to sink – it is what I want to show. It is, of course, a bit humorous, but there is a seriousness in it – I do not want my country goes under, ” said Jeff Rees.

a second referendum on Brexit, and that the country stays in the EU.

” I work in the finance industry and my company can hit hard. In particular, if it becomes a avtalslös Brexit. It would mean a disaster. Already today we are suffering the effects of the falling pound of course, ” said Jeff Rees.

The british pound rose on Monday evening after the agreement between Theresa May and the EU commission president Jean-Claude Juncker. But when the solicitor-general Geoffrey Cox announcement came on Tuesday, the pound fell sharply on the new.

Not all troubled, however, for the financial consequences of a avtalslös Brexit.

” the Economy is stronger here than in many EUROPEAN countries, and I actually think that we in the Uk would be stronger outside the european union. We should cooperate more with other parts of the world, like my home country Ghana, for example, said the 55-year-old security guard Joseph Afrane, as the day to honor dressed in a colorful ”leave”costume.

he stressed the importance of respecting the outcome of the referendum in 2016.

” I believe in democracy, but democracy must be cherished and respected. We voted to leave the EU – and I believe that the only way to do it really is a avtalslös Brexit, ” said Joseph Afrane.

in Addition to the actual outcome of tonight’s vote, many observers in Westminster to keep an eye on the actual the field of mathematics. If Theresa May would suffer as big a defeat as the last time – when the margin was 230 votes – learn it come avgångskrav. Even if it ”only” gets a loss by 100 votes margin of the prime minister’s position is damaged significantly.

however, it is a small defeat, with say 10-20 votes margin, Theresa May have a small chance to get through the agreement closer to the Brexitdagen march 29.

A defeat tonight means, however, that the parliament on Wednesday will vote on a avtalslös Brexit. If there will be no to such – which is likely – waiting in that case a vote on an application for a deferred Brexit on Thursday.

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