The SPD group in the Bundestag wants to decide today is a concept, the bans prevent and the Affected mobile. In it tickets are provided discounted use of a Year for public transport in cities, which are affected by large-scale driving is prohibited. In addition, aftermarket companies to get financial support faster retrofit-Sets for the widely used Euro-5 engines on the market. The thrust of the social Democrats could bring a new disagreement in the Grand coalition, as the CDU and the SPD wanted to decide this week anyway measures against driving bans. the By Markus Balser, Berlin Markus Balser

Markus Balser came in 2001 to the süddeutsche Zeitung. He is a graduate of the Cologne school of journalism and a diploma in Economics and was first in the economy editorial office in Munich. In 2013, he went to Berlin and reported from there on energy and environmental issues. At the beginning of 2016, he joined the parliamentary team and takes care of to transport and agricultural policies, as well as to the Deutsche Bahn. In 2007, Balser was Nannen, together with Klaus Ott and Hans Leyendecker for the research to the Siemens bribe scandal with the Henri award. In 2008, he was a scholarship holder of the Arthur F. Burns fellowship, a guest editor of the Wall Street Journal in New York.

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the consequences of the transport policy, a new dispute in the Grand coalition is in the offing. The SPD group in the Bundestag wants to decide today, a new concept of Diesel driving bans. They wanted to do more to prevent driving bans and to keep the Affected mobile, is it out of the group. Among the plans of the SPD with a cheap Ticket for Bus and train rides in the large-scale driving bans affected communities, as well as financial assistance for retrofit companies to quickly retrofit-Sets for the widely used Euro-5 engines on the market.

Large-scale driving bans there are, as yet, only in Stuttgart. Other cities could follow. “It is not something achieved – but still not enough”, – stated in the initiative of the social Democrats, the party goes on confrontation with the competent Minister, Andreas Scheuer (CSU). The paper, the süddeutsche Zeitung , proposes a total of five points, in order to mitigate the consequences for those Affected. Municipalities should therefore be sustained financially, if you offer a transport-annual ticket for 365 euros. “We want to maintain the mobility in the cities”. The funding for a public TRANSPORT annual ticket for the price of 365 euros could come from the existing “Clean air”. In Bonn and Reutlingen, Germany, this idea is already tested.

The barn a long time rejected the retrofitting of diesel vehicles is driving the SPD a “Pact for retrofitting”. In order to bring the technology to market quickly, propose the members of the Bundestag, a conveyor system for providers. Thus, the technical re-equipment for Euro-5-get Diesel quickly to the market, it’s important to support medium-sized suppliers in the development of the technical retrofit is financially, it says in the paper. The target was the upcoming risks with funds from the ongoing Diesel subsidy programs or of the state Bank KfW cushion.

The Union is not doing enough to prevent bans, so the SPD

by the manufacturer from the autumn to may 2019 solutions for widely used models to offer. You expect all car manufacturers, they provide the SMEs with the necessary technical information on vehicle types available. In addition, the car should enable companies to provide their authorised repairers, Euro-5 diesel cars, to retrofit. The SPD group also holds bans for Euro-5 vehicles for non-proportional, if the technical retrofitting of these vehicles is still in development, but in a timely manner available on the market. In addition, the group calls for the increased use of synthetic fuels and clarity in the methods of measurement. In cities and towns, the sites of measurement should be reviewed, says the paper. So any doubt should be dispelled.

With the advance of the social Democrats of the new dissent is in the offing in the Grand coalition. Union and SPD want to decide in the Bundestag this week, measures to make it difficult to bans. But the SPD can’t seem to go far enough. You have the impression that the Union with the decisions taken at the Think about stop, how to avoid a driving ban, says group circles. It further measures were necessary. “We want to put a shovel on it to have the mobility for diesel drivers are also prohibited when driving,” said group Deputy chief Sören Bartol.

In many cities exceed pollution limits. As the main cause of Diesel-exhaust emissions will apply. Courts have imposed for several municipalities already traffic restrictions, including zonal bans, for example in the food. These judgments are not yet final.