A spontaneous, huge dance action in the pouring rain, a little girl delivers a perfect Show, an unexpected marriage proposal, and a young man who failed during his appearance charming. Joe hatch IBAN can’t count the moments, which make for him the Mauerpark-Karaoke an unforgettable experience. For many Berliners the Show every Sunday is a Ritual – first the flea market, then the lay-singers, listen to, or even into the MIC to sing.

Even after more than 350 Karaoke-Shows the operator that is called with the right name Gareth Lennon is pleased about the moments that touch him so. Should you have with a camera, not at all, and once experienced could hold on to .
For the tenth anniversary is meant to inspire the weekly Karaoke Show again this year, thousands of spectators in Prenzlauer Berg. The approval requested hatch IBAN for the summer season, starting at Easter. But on Friday, he got a rejection letter from the parks and recreation Department. Due to construction work, it was too dangerous, in the amphitheatre to sing

the reason for the current ban on the construction sites are caused by the water companies. You have set up in the past year, an underground sewer, a huge tube with four meters in diameter. For ventilation and cleaning well shafts are installed.

“From the point of view of the road and green area office because of the risk surfaces,” Nicole Holtz, spokeswoman of the city Council classed Kuhn (Green). The Situation would not allow for the larger events.

daily mirror people

for Free order

water companies see no Problem

Stephan Natz, spokesman of Berliner wasserbetriebe looks, however, different. He says that the construction sites are adequately secured. It is a matter of 19 bays that need to be installed until the autumn. It will be built first, in the area of the amphitheatre and the Karaoke event. The construction works in this area, but should be completed in June.

The trenches are square and about three Times three metres wide. However, they are also seven meters deep. Someone should fall in, this could injured the Person severe, or even fatal crash. Naz doesn’t see an accidental fall, but as a threat: “Our construction sites are not secured so that everyone who wants to climb over there, fall in.”

But the water companies are only for your sites responsible for large-scale events. “Because the streets is to secure the parks and recreation Department in the duty, and not the water companies. Since I trust their expertise,“ says Nicole Holtz.

Natz brings yet another opportunity for the decision of the district into the game: “My impression is that we come with our site in this Situation to say ‘no we don’t approve now.” Last year had complained to local residents about the noise in the Park.

the noise of the visitors to the Park during the week

the site, so an excuse to get rid of? Joe hatch IBAN is not sure, unlikely, he keeps it. Last year, there had been, according to Pankow Order of the city Council Daniel Kruger (independent/for AfD) “massive Displays because of noise pollution”. He therefore demanded “clear rules”, prohibition signs and Parking attendants for the protection of the residents around the Bernauer Strasse in front of the Drive.

Joe hatch IBAN has also spoken with Anwohnen, he says. His impression is that it is the noise of the visitors to the Park at night during the week, and not to the Karaoke on Sundays. “At least in front of me, and you have said so.”

Should prohibit the city is actually in the long term, the Mauerpark-Karaoke, believes hatch IBAN, it will show up in a different place. Not organized by him, and maybe not legal. However, to the extent it shall not come at all. Numerous supporters of the event, he says. He let me calm.

Since 2009, he has this request for approval, each year, a maximum of two Times he had gone smoothly through. For the DJ that already belongs to the process. And so far it has always worked somehow. He’ll stay with the office. As soon as the construction works have been completed in the vicinity of the meeting venue, he could get the approval in the end.

More about

Karaoke in Mauerpark “, The boxes survived, the Laptop died”

Julia Prosinger

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