the Municipalities are responsible among other things for public libraries and spends nearly 4.5 billion on this important and urgent activities. A bet that has increased year by year. The public libraries have over 60 million physical visits each year and offers residents 390 activities each day.

in Addition, all of the activities that other actors, such as local associations, adult education associations and others, is implementing in the libraries ‘ premises. The libraries themselves are offering, among other things språkkaféer where newcomers can more quickly learn Swedish. Other examples are everything from story times, author visits and book groups for homework and courses to increase the citizens ‘ IT-skills. Libraries are the cultural institution that is found in most places around the country.

No, the major political challenge for the libraries is not that Sweden has a multi-level governance. The municipal self-government has an important role in the Swedish society. Municipalities and regions are responsible for a large part of the Swedish welfare and for the issues that are important in the daily lives of citizens.

at the same time as Fichtelius highlights the role of libraries ”for a functioning democracy (…) in times of propaganda and false news”, so it is the type of argument he himself unfortunately.

The big policy challenge is rather how the municipalities should continue to provide a library of high quality when tax revenue decreases and the municipalities are facing the challenge of finding trained staff. It is to meet the challenges of the future as the interaction between the various decision-making levels is necessary and can result in common solutions. It was also the mission of the Royal library (KB) received; ”to submit proposals on how interaction and coordination within the public library community may increase”. Rather than targeting Fichtelius a verbal rallarsving against the whole kommunsverige.

at the same time as Fichtelius highlights the role of libraries ”for a functioning democracy (…) in times of propaganda and false news”, so it is the type of argument he himself unfortunately. Sweeping claims that are not backed up by facts.

Among other things, to the skolbiblioteken. KB has a narrow view of what a school library is, that assumes that a school library should have at least a halvtidsanställd librarian. With the tight definition disqualified many local solutions that give students good access to a good library. Some schools collaborate for example with the public library around the corner, which has a much larger range of books and trained librarians than private school libraries would be able to have, the other has skolbibliotekariestöd at a distance. It is also not reasonable and effective to all schools, especially small following sports clubs are located should have their own librarians.

the Whole strategy purpose ”to increase the collaboration and coordination within the public library systems” and it has been missed that the libraries themselves define the strategic development, based on local conditions and needs.