“Witnesses: There came smoke from the plane before it crashed”

“Witnesses on the ground saw smoke from the rear part of the plane before it made a sharp turn and fell to the ground.”

“Several people also saw clothing and paper ejected before the crash.”

“– It tried to rise again, but failed and crashed with the nose first, ” says Tamirat Abera, 25, who were 300 metres away from the crash site.”

“its normal flight level, flight ET302, took off from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on the way to Nairobi, Kenya, at 08.38 local time on Sunday morning.”

“Six minutes later, the downed plane in the countryside, outside the town of Bishoftu.”

“Before its requested the pilot to get turn – but it was already too late.”

“None of the 157 on board survived and can tell you what happened – but on the ground were many witnesses to the accident.”

“the News agency Reuters has talked with half a dozen people on the ground as everyone tells me that it came smoke from the plane before it crashed – and four of them also says that it heard a sound.”

“One of them describes how the cows grazing in the fields, ran in panic when the plane flew over them at low altitude.”

“– There was a loud rattling sound, like squeaking and shaking the metal, says the Turn Buzuna, 26, a farmarhustru who lives just 300 metres from the site where the plane was struck in the rubble.”

“According to her, neither she or anyone else there heard anything similar from any aircraft, despite the fact that they live right where the planes passing through every day, several times a day.”

“the Farmer Malka Galato, 47, owns the field where the plane crashed.”

“He describes a construction and vetejordbrukare, whose field the plane crashed in, describes how the smoke and sparks came from the back of the plane while it was still in the air.”

“the Plane was very close to the ground and it made a turn,” he says.”

“Tamirat Abera, 25, went across the field at the same time as the plane came in.”

“He also says that it made a sharp turn, at the same time, as it came smoke and debris, such as paper and clothing, from the rear of the aircraft, before it crashed about 300 metres further away.”

“– It tried to rise, but failed and crashed nose first. It took fire and the white smoke came, which then became black, he says to he seconded.”

“Just before it crashed passed the plane right above the Gadisa Bentis house.”

“– When it hovered in the air, there came fire from the rear, then tried it rise with the nose, ” says Gadisa Benti.”

“– When it went above our house, pointed the nose down and the tail rose. It plunged straight down, nose first, then it exploded.”

“another witness said to AFP:”

” the Plane was burning when it crashed into the ground. The crash caused a large explosion, ” says Tegegn Dechasa.”

“Now is debris scattered over an area large as two football fields.”

“Everything is torn apart and the battle is in shambles.”

“Among the larger components is a wheel from ET302.”

“There is also a brown handbag, singed at the bottom, next to a bottle of perfume.”

“Several of the residents in the area have helped at the accident site during the last day.”

“Nigusu Tesema expresses what many residents of the area when he says:”

” We are shocked and sad.”