In the UK, has been sentenced to a mother on the grounds of FGM to her daughter, to a total of 13 years in prison. The judge spoke of a barbaric act.

For the first Time, has been convicted in the UK of a woman due to female genital mutilation to a long prison sentence. The 37-year-old defendant from Uganda was sentenced because of the circumcision of her three-year-old daughter to eleven years in prison. Since your the possession of extreme pornography, it has been demonstrated, she received two more years in prison.

trust the daughter abused

The woman had been a month ago sentenced, and now the punishment has been set. Judge Philippa Whipple spoke of a barbaric practice and a serious Crime. The mother had the confidence of the daughter, miss.

The judgment remember on International women’s day, remember that the UK put up with never such a barbaric medieval practice, wrote to interior Minister Sajid Javid on Twitter. Also the police and the NGOs assessed the verdict as a clear Signal that FGM will be strictly followed.

Although female genital mutilation is already in place since 1985 in the UK under the penalty date, there have been only a handful of charges. Not so far led to the conviction.

The mother had denied the fact. She stated that the girl got hurt. Four Doctors had confirmed before the court that the wounds of the child are not to explain with a fall.

thousands of victims of female genital mutilation in Germany, 06.02.2017 genital mutilation: More than 200 million affected, 05.02.2016 Atlas |UK |London

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