In a letter to the editor on the DN View, type Faw Azzat about a ”remarkable normalization of the veil”. It is just a normalization that we need. The veil is what every slöjbärande girl says that it is for her.

During the last weeks we have witnessed a number of serious verbal attacks directed against muslim women. From the outcome of the now-resigned president of the Swedish swimming federation Ulla Gustavsson against muslim children to the destruction of the city of Gävle municipality and the picture of a cancerous schoolmistress and now the latest one hatstorm on Twitter directed against the trade union to the Union’s use of an image of a veiled young woman in a marketing campaign.

In all cases, innocent Swedish, muslim girls and women been branded as motivators for terrorism, oppression of women, genital mutilation, child marriage and all other possible evils. Even if the society’s massive support behind the vulnerable women pleased, it is problematic that the minimal points of criticism is an important source of this type of muslimförakt.

if the Russian nättroll, but a circle of individuals in Sweden in about 15 years time spread the most grotesque nidbilderna of the muslim man and woman. The children of the muslim parents are also frequent targets of their hate campaigns.

Countless times have self-proclaimed ”förortsfeminister”, ”ex-muslim”, ”liberals” and ”hedersmaffian” (their words, not mine) expressed similar views. The core of these circuits often consist of individuals with origins in the Middle east.

Their tail usually point out the birthplace as a merit. These people, active in politics, the media and civil society, has managed to persuade the politicians and opinion-formers from the prestigious Swedish institutions agree that it is perhaps ”something” in their distorted worldview.

they spread wild conspiracy theories about islam and muslims. Such generalizations of the diverse muslim population has contributed a lot to the muslimförakt that today permeates our society.

They are frequent lecturers at schools, government agencies and companies. They are awarded honorary, honorary and yttrandefrihetspriser. They dine here with the royal family.

Not even a positive and integrative force, which the Swedish sports movement has managed to resist their demagoguery. How long will the hate rhetoric that relativized, or even applauded and rewarded?

their activism for ”good” muslimhatet. For certainly, we would condemn similar maneuver by The sweden democrats?

Våldsbejakande religious extremism, child marriage, genital mutilation and honour-related violence are real problems that our society must deal with. They are, however, among people belonging to all major religions, both in Sweden and globally.

A small coterie of military potential of the extremists are today the agenda on islam. It is unsustainable.