The Russian musician Sergei Roldugin is without a doubt a Virtuoso. The only question is the area in which his mastery is greater on the cello or in the financial sector.

the musical instrument he brought it up to the soloists of the renowned St. Petersburg’s Mariinsky theatre. Today, he owns an elite school for the solo musician. In the financial world and his Name is 2016 appeared publicly for the first time in the Panama Papers. As the international group of investigators and investigative journalists of OCCRP revealed at the time, is said to have funneled the Cellist of around two billion dollars through the network of a shady Offshore service provider. Particularly piquant about it: Roldugin is a close, perhaps the closest personal friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Now his Name is again in an analysis of the revelation platform. In Germany, the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” reported about it first. The OCCRP group was examined, as up to nine billion dollars of the Russian Investment Bank “Troika Dialog” about two Lithuanian banks between 2006 and 2013 from Russia were brought out.

assets from the air drawn

at The beginning of the 90s, based Troika Dialog was the first Russian investment Bank. In the examined period it was headed by Russian-Armenian businessman Ruben Wardanjan. The rejected any allegations in an Interview with Russian journalists. All of the transactions in question complied with the then existing rules of the international financial markets. In the case of the leaked documents are correspondence, contracts, invoices, and information to more than 1.3 million Bank transfers.

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for Free order

Roldugin occurs only this time in a supporting role. From 2007 to 2010, the musician is said to have conducted transactions in the amount of $ 70 million over Troika Dialog. In doing so, he drew his fortune, practically “from the air”. Rodulgin bought, for example, on the paper stock of the state company Rosneft. The back held the package and paid after a certain time, the penalty for cancellation of a – priori fictional – purchase agreement.

The principle is simple, the concealment of these operations are countless accounts movements, however complex. However, the investigators showed, among other things: “Two companies with Roldugin, in conjunction, closing of writes within a few days 16 contracts with other companies, then call each – against compensation payments of 11.6-million-Dollar fee”, as the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”.

Fincas on the Costa Brava

Of Troika Dialog should have not only benefited celebrities. No, supposedly the Pensioner Anna got Kurepina something. The 80-Year-old, who lived in Moscow for rent, in 2009, he received a loan of 15 million Euro, and used immediately for the purchase of land in the vicinity of Barcelona on the Costa Brava. The repayment, plus five percent per annum, would be in April 2019 due. The Problem: the accounts of the Pensioner have been closed years ago, after their death.

The properties in Spain are now part of the family Artjakow. It has a fountain in the middle of a Park-like area with fountains and large Pool two magnificent villas built. The Artjakows the rental apartment in the Anna Kurepina ten years ago, had lived belonged to. As the Moscow Pensioner has received their million credit, was Vladimir Artjakow chief of the state defence Corporation Rostec. Previously, he had served the Kremlin as the Governor of the Samara Region. A rogue who draws a connection between the oligarchs and the Pensioner.

In Russia, the case is almost unknown

In Russia there should be an increased interest in the investigation of an alleged billion fraud, one would think. But far from it. The Public knows about the case, Troika Dialog, practically nothing. On money laundering, you could learn in the state-owned Russian television recently, but very much – however, the contributions from the Republic of Moldova, where parliamentary elections were negotiated.

the Troika is not a word. And taciturn Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov remained, as he was raised this week on the case. The is not in the Kremlin, on the agenda, he said. “We have financial authorities have all the necessary resources to monitor the financial activities in this sector.”

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“the Panama Papers,” Putin’s best friend – who is Sergei Roldugin?

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Brusquely responded, however, Garegin Tosunyan, the President of the Association of Russian banks. For him this is all a bit “artificially staged a campaign,” I’m not going to blown out of proportion “and embellished”.