photos, experiences and memories by clicking share as “friends” operate, but to do not much more with the original meaning of this term, for example, the social network Facebook worked so far.

Now, founder Mark Zuckerberg announces a change of course. Over 15 years of social media like Facebook was the “digital Equivalent of a village square,” explains the head of the company in a blog post. But increasingly, people have exchanged prefer to be in privaterem frame. Living room instead of Wimmelort so. His group, which also includes the photo network Instagram and Messenger service Whatsapp, will respond to it, writes Zuckerberg. Some of the features should be converted, and the encryption is strengthened.

a few weeks Ago, the group had arranged to head to merge the Chat technology of the three platforms. This had caused immense excitement, because it had sounded from the mouth of Zuckerberg first of all, as the 2.7 billion people who use at least one of the three channels, would benefit from them. All of the chat, so hope to in the future could be on the end-to-end encryption protected. So far, this is only for Whatsapp not the case, and that is exactly why this Form of communication is so popular. In the case of an expansion on all the Chats, all the users would be better protected.

self-critical sets from Facebook-in-chief

However, and was quick to the point of criticism after the announcement a few weeks ago: Zuckerberg would extend through the merger plans, the market power of his company. Because the sale of Ads is extremely important meta-data – communicates so: Who and at what time with whom? – to run in a Facebook-controlled database. As is often the case, a notice to improve, the market was a promise of a better world, a closer analysis makes use of Facebook.

Zuckerberg had promised the staff and users that the platforms Instagram and Whatsapp may exist independently and interact. You can do that even in the case of a merger of the Chat features still officially, but a common infrastructure would be at least a partial breaking of the promise. Whatsapp founders Jan Koum and Brian Acton had left Facebook in the spring of last year, due to disagreements on the subject of privacy. The Instagram founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger followed in September, after disputes over the independence of the platform of Facebook.

conflicts with privacy advocates

Facebook was in the past, repeatedly in conflict with privacy advocates and supervisors, because the platform had experimented with in the privacy of their members. Zuckerberg himself claimed that the social tendency is that people always wanted to make it more about themselves in public. Finally, the data scandal of Cambridge have had a problem with Analytica Image of the largest Online network. It came out that the developer of a survey App information about Facebook-had transferred illegally to the controversial data analysis company. Facebook knew since the end of 2016 – was satisfied, but with the assurance that the data had been destroyed and did not inform the users.

so, Zuckerberg officially announced a change of strategy for encryption, and a further strengthening of privacy, and he used to be quite self-critical phrases such as: “I don’t know that many people believe that Facebook can build a privacy focused platform, or just want to build – because we, frankly, are not exactly famous for services to the protection of privacy.”

Even after the change in strategy, it is unlikely that Zuckerberg gained a new Image as the Hero of a movement for more privacy. His platform has been lost due to the Concerns of the people in popularity. This is the reason why the Facebook founder does not address these Concerns-to improve the world, but in order to be with his company was not suspended. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 07.03.2019, 09:10 PM