Two people have been arrested, after Police made the shot at the Bella Center in Copenhagen last night.

today, the police said that the two arrested persons must be produced in grundlovsforhør in Aarhus this morning.

It was in Particular the Exploration of the West, which, in cooperation with the Copenhagen Police was responsible for the arrests.

the Arrests on Wednesday are part of an investigation of serious drug-related crimes. Out of consideration for the investigation is no further information, it sounds in a press release.

The two detained 22 and 26 years of age.

Why the police fired warning shots is not disclosed, but it was a big police operation, which unfolded at the intersection of Vejlands Allé and Ørestads Boulevard. Extra Magazine’s man on the spot could report that the police were massively present in the area.

– About four police cars surround a taxi in the intersection, it said.

the Police could last night not tell whether it was the driver of the taxi, who were arrested, or whether the customers were in the car, but vagtchefen stated that the man had fired a warning shots, and a not defined number of shots at the tires of the car.

No one was hurt during the action.

As always, when given the shot, The Independent Politiklagemyndighed (DUP) to examine the circumstances more closely.

Several cartridge cases lay on the ground, after politet had made the shot. Photo: Kenneth Meyer.

the 112 – 6. mar. 2019 – at. 20:06 Police fire shots at Copenhagen