a total Of 14 people have been charged with sharing a video that shows the killing of a Danish and Norwegian woman in Morocco. It informs the east Jutland Police in a press release.

east Jutland Police was given the task to review all of the reviews of the video to ensure a uniform treatment of cases. The treatment is now over, why cases are sent back to the relevant police districts.

Out of the 118 submissions we have received and reviewed, 14 cases led to a charge. The cases we have sent back to the relevant police districts, which yesterday (Wednesday, red.) have contacted the 14 persons who have been charged with having committed a criminal offence by sharing the video – typically via Facebook, Messenger or other social media, says inspector at east Jutland Police Michael Kjeldgaard in the press release.

How are the charges distributed

12 people have been charged with violation of penal code section 264 (d). 2 cf. paragraph. 1

Two people have been charged with violation of penal code section 136). 2

You can see paragraffernes full text at the bottom of the faktaboksen.

The 14 charges are distributed over nine of the country’s 12 police districts:

Three charges in the Sydøstjyllands police – including one for § 136). 2Tre charges in the Middle – and West zealand politikredsTo charges in The politikredsEn charge in The politikredsEn charge in The politikredsEn charge in the Middle – and Vestjyllands police – including one for §136). 2a the charge in Sydsjællands and Lolland Falster politikredsEn charge in Copenhagen politikredsEn the charge, in Copenhagen, Ranked police

The accused are in the age range of 13-69 years:

Six are between the ages of 13-18 years (out of which 2 persons under 15 years of age, and it must hence be assessed on their cases if necessary. in Ungdomskriminalitetsnævnet)Three are aged 22-36 years are aged 45-69 years

§ 264 d. With fine or imprisonment up to six months punished, wrongly conveys the messages or images on someone else’s private facts or photographs of the member, under circumstances that evidently may be required to be removed from the public. The provision shall also apply where the communication or picture concern a deceased person.

the first Paragraph. 2. Available under the terms of its or videregivelsens nature and extent or the number of affected persons particularly aggravating circumstances the penalty can increase to imprisonment of up to three years.

§ 136. The without, thereby, to have due higher punishment public incite to crime, shall be punishable with fine or imprisonment up to four years.

the first Paragraph. 2. The public explicitly condones one of the in accordance with this law 12. or 13. chapter referred to crimes punishable by fine or imprisonment up to two years.

Source: east Jutland Police and the legal information

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Out of the 14 cases, it is actually only 12, there is a clear sharing of the videos.

– 12 people are charged with under particularly aggravating circumstances unjust to have passed on the video, notwithstanding that it relates to another person’s private matters under the circumstances of the case, which obviously can be removed from the public. The last two are charged with publicly expressly approved pursued, which was done by the killings of the two women, says deputy Jacob Berger Nielsen.

Those who have shared the video, might get up to three years in prison, while the two, who have welcomed the pursued risk a fine and imprisonment up to two years.

the Police underlines the seriousness in sharing the video to raise the charges. They do pay attention to how offensive the video is for the relatives of the victims and calls for you to erase the video immediately, if you get it sent.

– It is important that we talk with our children and young people about what the infringing movies and pictures are, and that they need to be deleted and never be shared further, if you get them sent to you. Both because it is illegal to share, but also because it has terrible consequences for the victims and their families, says the head of the Rigspolitiets National Forebyggelsescenter Tenna Wilbert.

Danish Louisa Vesterager Jespersen and Norwegian Maren Ueland were random victims as they were slain in Morocco 17. december 2018. It told the moroccan police in a press release after the killings.

the Victims were randomly selected. According to investigators, they were not out to kill the Norwegian or Danish tourists specifically, but they were there to kill the tourists, said police spokesman Boubker Sabik.

The two women were attacked in their tent by four men, who subsequently shared a video of the killings on the net. The perpetrators said they carried out pursued for the Islamic State, but it rejected the moroccan police.

– They were lone wolves, which decided to carry out the attack, said the spokesman.

after the killings have been held memorials for the two women in both Norway and Denmark., just like the case has been referred to by prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen and has gained attention the world over.

Norwegian police informs in a press release, that they have examined more than 400 inquiries about the drabsvideoen. In response to this they have tried to get the video taken down from various forums and have been in contact with individuals.

They choose, however, not to raise any matters on the basis of our messages. Like the Danish police have also in mind that the video may be offensive to relatives of the two victims.

In the same press release acknowledges, the police, that it can never happen to have removed the video completely, but just limit the scope.