Games game platform Steam will not continue with the launch of ‘Rape Day’, after the game tons of criticism. In the pc game would be gamers in the shoes of a serial killer of women killed and raped during a zombie invasion. Developer Desk Plant is now plan to release the game via their own website.

Valve, the company behind Steam, has made the decision known in a message on the official blog. “We respect the desire of developers to express themselves, and the purpose of Steam is to help developers to get an audience to find, but this developer has chosen for a subject matter and a representation that the us makes it difficult to help them”, sounds.

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‘Rape Day’ would be normal in april to be launched on Steam. There appeared a page with the description and pictures from the game. As it became known that gamers, women should be population, killing and raping in order to progress in the story. There would also necrofiele and pedophilic elements are discussed. the

That could, according to many gamers not by the bracket. Steam was baking criticism on him, because it is a platform offered for the vrouwonvriendelijke game, and there was an online petition started to have the launch to stop. There were finally some eight thousand signatures collected. The page of ‘Rape Day’ has now been removed from Steam.