women have occupied in the late Wednesday evening in a lecture hall of the University of Zurich. In the run-up to the international women’s day events are to take place, write the organisers in a Whatsapp group. Other

“We are occupied by women* at the University have the room KOL-E-18 at the center of the UZH as FTIQ*space! There is music and Party now, tomorrow is all day meetings. Come dance and bring your Friends*!” Anyone who wants to stay there, could bring a Mätteli and a sleeping bag. On the facade of the building is a Transparent: “Patriarchy, Japanese Shit”. FTIQ stands for “women, Trans, Inter -, Cross -”

The room is a lecture hall with 90 seats and a terrace with views of the City. How the University reacts, is currently still unclear. So far, no one was still accessible. According to a spokesman for the Zurich city police has not reported to the University or to the police. Therefore, it was unclear whether the University had knowledge of the occupation and whether or not you condone the action.

On women’s day on 8. March held worldwide demonstrations and actions. Among other things, Zürcher Kant have elaborated ischüler interior and high school studies, a feminist week of action and a Manifesto for “education without sexism”.


Created: 07.03.2019, 06:56 PM