in response to spying allegations, the Chinese technology group’s Huawei against the U.S. government before the court. You would take action against a ban, the authorities in the USA, says the purchase and use of Huawei technology and services, informed the acting Chairman of the company, Guo Ping, on Thursday at the company’s headquarters in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen.

A corresponding law was signed, U.S. President Donald Trump last year, was “not only illegal, but prevents Huawei also involved in a fair competition,” said Guo Ping. A lawsuit had been filed in the U.S. district court in Plano, Texas.

observers evaluated the target process, especially as a symbolic step for the Telecom giant. Although there were no great prospects of success. Huawei wool but of a public character against the allegations of the United States, and resistance demonstrate. So also trust in other countries is to be won back.

there is Currently a discussion in the West, even in Germany, to exclude Huawei from the construction of the networks of super-fast 5G data transmission system. The basis of accusations, especially from the United States, Huawei stand of the Chinese government to close and could be forced by the authorities of the country to work together.

allegations: intelligence in networks and Sabotage

The concerns here range from spy networks, up to and including Sabotage. Huawei has denied the allegations.

“The U.S. Congress has failed repeatedly to produce the evidence that the restrictions for Huawei would justify products,” said Guo Ping: “We are forced to take such legal measures as appropriate, and last resort.” According to Huawei, the US is not banned in most of the authorities only, the use of Chinese technology. Is it permitted to conclude contracts with third parties, the Huawei products to purchase. The procedure is against the US Constitution.

Specifically, the group intends to act in violation of section 899 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). “The law is based on many false, unproven, and unverified statements,” said Huawei’s chief lawyer Song Liuoing. Contrary to the insinuations of Huawei was not in possession of, under the control of or under the influence of the Chinese government.

chief financial officer in Canada

Huawei’s arrested founder, Ren Zhengfei is currently in the United States because of the affair with the daughter of the company under pressure: Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of the company, sits under strict conditions in Canada. The United States requested their extradition. Your Bank fraud in violation of sanctions against Iran blamed.

The case put a severe strain on relations between Canada and China. After their arrest, the former Diplomat and for the independent international Crisis Group, which is active Michael Kovrig, as well as the business man and the Korea expert Michael Spavor were taken in China two Canadians. China’s authorities accuse them of espionage. Diplomats and critics suspect retaliation and talk of “hostage diplomacy”.

Guo Ping, on Friday, held a press conference was part of a public offensive of the largest network equipment supplier and the second-largest mobile phone manufacturer in the world, the hopes, to refute the allegations of the United States.

To strike out

The Huawei Holt, the Chairman had already fetches last week for a counter-attack, as he recalled at a trade show in Barcelona in public at the unveiling of the US-Whistleblower Edward Snowden. The Ex-intelligence officials, Snowden had disclosed, in 2013 the far-reaching Monitoring of the network by the Anglo-American intelligence services NSA and GCHQ. Guo Ping, again, allegations that the US spied on also Huawei, and in the Server of the company had hacked repeated on Thursday. The U.S. government “never misses an opportunity to denigrate Huawei,” he said.

Only on Tuesday, opened the Huawei a new European transparency centre for cyber security in Brussels. The suspect in the cyber espionage, distressed companies, wants to provide government authorities, technical experts, industry associations and standardisation organisations a platform to work together on future Standards. Above all, Huawei is likely to want to make in Europe, increased security concerns dissipate. (chk/sda)

Created: 07.03.2019, 04:26 PM