Animals The species was only discovered in november 2017, but the rarest orangutans in the world is now already in its survival threatened. Cause is the construction of a dam, which is the habitat of Pongo Tapanuliensis in Indonesia under water is likely to convert.

The orangutan – of which there are only 800 copies have been living in Batang Toruwoud. Scientists announced in november that it is a new sort of went, after an analysis of the DNA-material and a study in the field, the light had brought them unique properties. Until then it was assumed that it was to Sumatran orangutans. The Pongo Tapanuliensis, however, has fluffier hair and a long call.

also Read DNA test surprised: father small orang-oetang turns out to not be male, that stay to share with mother Plans

The plans to the Batang Toruwoud a dam of 510 megawatts, to build would be the end of the animal can do. According to the Indonesian Forum for the Environment – the biggest environmental organization of the country – would be the dam the habitat of the orangutan under water, or at least to the extent of change that the survival of the species is in danger. the

Campaigners applied for a process with the argument that the study on the impact of the dam on the environment is full of errors, but on Monday the court ruled in Medan that the construction may continue. The Forum has already said it will appeal the ruling. (read on below)