The Swiss real estate market must adjust to even more empty apartments. Because as long as the interest rates are negative, it is built. The more important is it that the landlords were more on the quality of their objects.

this year, once again, come a number of new rental properties on the market, writes Credit Suisse in a recent issue of the study of the Swiss real estate market in 2019. Especially since real estate for pension funds, seemed the only alternative. The new rental apartments, according to the CS on a in many places already over-saturated market.

Build in the wrong place

Built mainly in the agglomeration municipalities, and often in the wrong place. It stands would empty. “The vacancy rates threaten to become a chronic Problem in the real estate market,” said Fredy hare Maile, head of the field of Real Estate Economics at the Bank Credit Suisse on Tuesday at the presentation of the most recent real estate study.

In the big centres are going to build too little, however, what sun, among other things, also the building code and also on the resistance of the local population, said rabbit Maile. The Problem was thus, made in-house.

The gap between demand and supply outside the major urban centers, will increase vacancy rates in the rental market in 2019 for the tenth Time in a row, albeit at a slightly slower pace compared to the previous year. The Credit Suisse Economists therefore assume that the rents will fall by one to two percent.

The location quality is therefore more important than ever in the competition for the tenant. A good accessibility or proximity to the centres was a main factor for a low vacancy risk.

floor plan important criterion

the ground plan of an object will become increasingly important. Well-thought-out floor plans and improved the value-in-use of a dwelling significantly. The plan, which have given during years hardly anyone, according to real estate expert hare Maile to the cost, Size and exposure, the fourth most important criterion when choosing an apartment.

The ideal plan it is not, and while said Matthias, chief of Archilyse. This Startup company is able to capture thanks to the new technologies, plan qualities quantitatively. The floor plan was one of the decisive factors for the quality and, ultimately, for the rentability.

So there are clear statistical correlations between, for instance, the ground plan of a dwelling and domestic violence, or between light and cognitive skills in children, said.

property cheaper than Renting

residential property remains despite the high prices because of the low mortgage interest rates is still cheaper than Rent. Nevertheless 2019 is expected to decline for the first time in a long time, the ownership rate of 39 percent. This is due to the fact that the demand by high regulatory and financial hurdles “disconnected”.

in Addition, the offer is limited to the property area, because the property would be to focus developers on the construction of rental housing. This would be from the investors, in spite of the high vacancy rates – literally “from the hands of more cunning”, so the CS-study.

world of work demands flexible solutions

The market environment for office real estate to benefit, meanwhile, from the economic recovery and the associated growth of employment. The recovery in each of the major office markets, but advanced. On all markets is that the recovery of the Central locations run out.

the digitization and automation are changing but the work. A fixed place of work, although for about 80 percent continue to be Standard. But atypical work and flexible working time models to be on the increase, and correspond to a great need of labour, the authors also. The hurdles for the location-independent workplace are thanks to mobile computers, high-speed broadband connections and Cloud-like solutions.

For employers, the incentives of a fixed-job model to move to an activity based model, as a result thereof. According to office providers on new requirements concerning the flexibility and Layout will need to set your surfaces. Be open, flexible, and smart office layouts.


Created: 05.03.2019, 15:14 PM