Last week, traveled to Donald trump , the son and adviser to Jared Kushner – in-law to am, once again, a good friend: be As unobtrusive as possible, he went in the Saudi capital Riyadh for talks with crown Prince Muhammad Salman. The Saudis are in Congress because of the war in Yemen as well as due to the murder of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi under pressure, what did the friendship between Kushner and the crown Prince so far, no crash.

Now the democratic majority is interested in the oversight Committee of the house of representatives for the apparently intended Transfer of U.S. nuclear technology to build nuclear reactors to Saudi Arabia – and for the role of Kushner in the business.

a family business in the wrong location

in mid-February, the Committee published a Report on the planned nuclear deal that was based on testimonies of whistle-blowers. There is a need for “additional information to determine whether the actions of the Trump Administration are in the national interest of the United States, or whether individuals benefit from this potential Change in US foreign policy”, it said in the Report.

The suspicion of the overseers in Congress, especially the teeth had Kushner with the canadian company Brookfield Asset Management excited. After the New York city real estate heir, in 2007, had purchased a building in Manhattan for the highly inflated price of $ 1.8 billion, was the Kushner family of companies in financial trouble. Kushner was in urgent need of new investors, in order to save the expensive property. In the summer of 2018 Brookfield signed a lease contract on 99 years at a price of one billion dollars, which were immediately paid.

Kushner had done this, but it was announced that a subsidiary of Brookfield rotten before by the Japanese Toshiba group, the Bank’s nuclear group had acquired Westinghouse Electric. Westinghouse supplied reactors around the world with fuels, had, however, taken over the construction of two nuclear power plants in the American South. Nevertheless, the group was part of a consortium of US firms who want to build in Saudi Arabia’s nuclear power plants.

“A country you can trust with no bone sawing, should be trusted with nuclear weapons.” Brad Sherman, a democratic Deputy

Threaded in a possible Deal with the Saudis had been shortly after Donald trump’s election victory in November of 2016, he was driven by a number of retired US generals, including Donald trump’s first security consultant Michael Flynn. Flynn had to clear in February 2017 up his Post and was subsequently accused by Russia-special investigator Robert Mueller because of a false statement.

Originally a Plan to build 40 nuclear power plants, “in Saudi Arabia, existed,” noted the Report of the Supervisory Committee. The Saudis justified their interest so that they wanted to produce in the framework of its modernisation programme “Vision 2030” more electricity through nuclear power and their dependence on Oil decrease.

Israel protested

From the beginning, but tried to Flynn and his colleagues in and outside of the Trump Administration, a nuclear-to push the Deal past the existing rules – although the Saudis refused US requirements to prevent the misuse of nuclear fuels, for the clandestine construction of nuclear weapons. The “Atomic Energy Act” of 1954 stipulates that the sale of U.S. nuclear technology, approved by the Congress, and then extensively monitored.

Although government lawyers questioned at the National security Council, the legality of the Transfers, the government held the Trump of your projects. As the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 2018 values in the case of President Trump, with the reference to a possible nuclear threat to Israel by Saudi Arabia, appeased Trump: If the United States has not built the reactors, will Riad you can order in Russia or China.

at the beginning of February gathered the President a new round of American nuclear technology companies, among them General Electric and Westinghouse, wherein the Transfer of U.S. nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia was discussed. In Congress, opposition in both parties upset now: A recently-introduced Resolution seeks to prevent the sale of nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia, under the allusion to the murder of Jamal Khashoggis in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 05.03.2019, 18:47 PM