Women failing more often the driving test than men. In 2018, dumped 40 percent of women, driving test, while the figure for men stood at 35 percent. It shows figures from the national Police, as the DR has gained access to.

In total was last year held 146.004 practical driving tests for car in category B.

According to instructor Michael Lund player pressed a key role for the gender statistics between the sexes. He has had a driving school in eight years, and he is experiencing at regular intervals, that the female kørekorts aspirants have a tendency to be more nervous prior to the sample than the male aspirants.

– There are some, who sits and cries just before a driving test. So nervous are they, he says.

Gymnasieeleven Pernille Haubjerg knows all about the uncertainty of driving in the car. Last year she was driving test in Herning. An experience she still remembers as terrifying.

– There is a saying that women can’t drive a car. The more you know, the more think on it, she says.

She explains that she was nervous for the first test because the examiner was not talkative. The second time it went better, because the driving school instructor according to Pernille Haubjerg was more relaxed. It meant she secured the licence at the second attempt.

From the Danish driving Instructor-Union points out that men more than women trust in their own abilities at the driving test.

– part of the young men have an expectation that of course they can drive a car. Some women may think in advance that it is a little hard, says chairman of the Danish driving Instructor-Union, René Arnt.

The assessment is shared by psychologist Mette Bauer, who specializes in exam anxiety. She says that women in general have an increased risk to become nervous prior to tests and exams.

– There is a tendency for girls to require that they master things completely. And it may not have a practical driving test, she says.

She believes that many women have high expectations for their own performance. It is often the breeding ground for nervousness, which may mean that in some situations, it is not able to think clearly. Men take on more risks and accept, if they fail, explains Mette Bauer.