the Face of an extraordinary meeting of the regional council of all operations in the Stockholm Region come in with their business plans, with the evidence pointing out the direction for the business and the economy in 2019. They are expected to get a routine approval of the regional council.

the Exception is the management plan of the Karolinska, which on the contrary will be sent back to the hospital. The reason is that the plan does not ”contain sufficient measures to meet the required performance specification”. That is to say, that the plan of which the hospital submitted is not deemed realistic to pass the budget. Hospital management has, therefore, been rebuffed, and asked to come back with a new business plan.

Carina Lundberg Uudelepp explains in an email to DN:

– the Karolinska university Hospital has unveiled a plan where the budget was not in balance. Regionfullmäktiges budgetary decisions should be followed and all activities should have a balanced economy. Therefore, I have proposed to the Karolinska university Hospital takes up an adjusted plan by, in connection with the first tertialrapport.

the Region at the same time takes extraordinary measures to save the hospital’s crisis-ridden economy. Overall, the Karolinska 415 million in a extratillskott 2019. The hospital’s performance is also adjusted so that 2019 will be allowed to be 280 million less, instead of 30 million plus. The latter should be seen as a loan, which the hospital will be forced to pay back.

Irene Svenonius (M) said in a written comment to regionledningen does not accept the plan.

” We are not satisfied with the Karolinskas business plan. It does not contain sufficient measures that the hospital will return to the budget in balance. When we give the Karolinska more resources need to the hospital to come back with further measures they intend to take in order to get the economy back on track. Forward, we expect both earnings and the economy, ” says Irene Svenonius (M).

As a DN in the past have told Karolinska a new unproven model that is introduced without an economic impact assessment with the help of consultants, and this year, the hospital has a projected deficit of 1.1 billion. In an evaluation of the model sjukhusstyrelsen presented in January found that hospital management had ”reason to believe” that the new organisation, which has 30 percent more managers, would be more effective than the previous one. The hospital has also increased the operation of the staff sharply in 2018, with 18.3 per cent. Despite the increase in personnel costs of producing hospital will not more care.

has made a decision on a savings package of eur 420 million for 2019, and 400 posts will be removed.

The socialist opposition reacts to Karolinskas business plan is rejected without the processed in any political body. The economic crisis at the Karolinska require a deeper analysis, according to S which is added a proposal of its own with the requirement that the matter referred back. In the proposal, which was at Tuesday’s meeting, write the social democrats that the new organisation is a big reason for the economic crisis:

”the hospital’s costs run riot explained in high degree of the ill-anchored and untried organisational model introduced in a konsultdriven process and caused a rapid turnover of staff at the hospital. It is important, therefore, that the savings that have now become necessary, not affecting the hospital’s employees and patients. In order to ensure this, it would be desirable to not only take part of the Karolinska University hospital’s draft operational plan and a detailed accounting of the hospital’s financial and operational situation. Therefore, we suggest that the case referred back.”

Oppositionsregionrådet Erika Ullberg (S) says that it is remarkable that the regional council decides on a plan of action you see.

At the meeting we learned that we ourselves can look for us up to the action plan Karolinskas website. It is not true, and that is not how it should work, ” says Erika Ullberg, pointing out that the business plan contains much more than just information about the economy.

She continues:

– It is also about the actual operations of the working environment, operationsköer among other things. I think that the regional council must take a stronger grip on the governance of the Karolinska – I have thought for a long time.