French politicians, who want to achieve something, are fundamentally different from German politicians, who want to achieve something. What this difference consists, it is easy to understand if you imagine, Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron and each would have to move a bag of flour from A to B.

The German Chancellor would losschieben with a steady, medium effort, as it is in the back training is recommended. The French President would be to stack the a bag of four more, and then an original casting technique we develop, when it is disturbed especially a lot of flour dust.

A good Portion of megalomania

An impressive example of the French juggling-art now represents Macrons letter to the Europeans. At the same time, in 28 countries, translated into 22 languages, signed simply with “Emmanuel Macron”. As he would not be the French President, but a pan-European Visionary, the masses of all countries to follow. This letter is borne not only of concrete ideas for European reforms, but also a decent Dose of megalomania. Just not a loss of reality, but a strategy that leads in the French policy to the success of this megalomania.

When the bags of flour consider, once again, are the German and the French target is similar: A bag has to reach point B. In Germany, the fantasy is enough exactly for this action, in France, the task is increased so far that in the end is sure, that at least the minimal requirement was met.

Macrons letter in the Guardian.

Just what is in this case, the minimum requirement? Macron has in the coming months, and two goals: He wants to defeat his right-wing adversary, Marine Le Pen in the European elections, and he wants to be in the European Parliament with his party La République en Marche part of a powerful group.

For the former, the target is the letter useful, because he placed Macron legs in the middle of Europe. The President of France, was so far in his electorate particularly popular when he staged as an international Arm, and the French the feeling that the world is waiting for instructions from Paris. He has now moved to 28 Newspapers at the same time, your pages clear, he demonstrates a claim to power, with many of his country can identify people. At the same time, he says: of This international network, this respect for other countries, you are compromising threatens, if your Le Pen chooses.

Macrons regained self-consciousness that speaks from every line of this European letter.

he released the letter at the same time in German, English, Finnish, Romanian, Polish, and so on, he offers also potential European allies, the Label Macron. In Europe, the Phase of the election campaign begins now. Macron relies on the fact that he developed beyond France, a force of attraction, the politicians to bring to their citizens as a Macron-a Partner is a choice. The result: A strong Macron group in the European Parliament, which secures him politically at home.

The question is, how is the Grand European appearance him the attainment of these objectives. Macron is now trying soon for a year to transfer the momentum that brought him to France in the élysée Palace in Europe. To this end, he launched the so-called “consultations citoyennes”, the European citizens ‘ dialogue. His comrades-in-arms and he sat on podiums in lecture halls, they “talk about Europe”. Domestically, the out meant: The party La République en Marche filtered from the citizen conversations, what topics and keywords are particularly well-suited for the campaign. How successful this maneuver was, it will show in the coming weeks. Foreign policy, you have to capture the European citizens dialogue failed. When coming out of France movement took place in the past few months, a trailer, and then the protests of the yellow West, and not the Fans of Macron.

The large letter is now a tad less subtle than the citizens ‘ dialogues. Macron doesn’t want the citizens to listen, he proclaims his Beliefs. Also if you still have tens of thousands of yellow vests on the streets, Macrons popularity has been increasing since January from survey to survey. Slipped his popularity ratings shortly before Christmas, down to the 20-percent mark, you are now back close to the 40 per cent. Macron is actually succeeded in what he proclaimed to the French the end of the year via a televised speech, He has reinterpreted the crisis to opportunity. His regained self-confidence speaks from every line of this European letter.

The best response? Serenity

For Macrons admirers in Brussels, Berlin or Warsaw, is this sense of mission tempting. You can just hook in its Elan. However, this convenient way also entails risks. Many European citizens want a strong Union and not a competition between nationalist governments. Macron takes up this request and personalised it: Who wants the EU, wants me.

Only Europe works differently than in France. There is not a President of the political life in isolation in his Palace, the Zampano. The struggle for a peaceful European community must remain a work of many, not of the great Individual. Even if Macron floating like than about the things of ideas, the all the other hand, the brain-aired: He remains first and foremost the President of France.

The best response to his letter is likely to be Serenity. Take a look at which of his ideas are useful, and then from the Macron-stamp free. The EU is not helped if it becomes a prestige project of a man with the biggest ambitions. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 05.03.2019, 13:25 PM