the employment service is facing major organizational changes as a direct result of the reduction in appropriations authority granted in the government’s budget. In January, the director-general Mikael Sjöberg to 4,500 people, which represents one third of the authority, are likely to get rid of the jobs.

the company also announced that several offices would be closed. On Monday, it stated the actual number to be 130 pieces, most of them located in smaller towns and rural areas.

the Stockholm chamber of commerce, a business association representing companies in the metropolitan area. He is critical to the Employment decision to decommission the office, so long as it does not happen in the big cities.

– To begin to reduce the activities in the countryside and not in the big cities is to start in entirely the wrong end. There are not the same opportunities to allow the market to take over in the countryside as in the big cities, he says to DN.

His organization has previously expressed support for a privatized or partially privatized the public employment service in Sweden.

“We definitely think that there needs to be a conversion in the public employment service since Sweden has gone from a skills shortage to a kompetenskris, particularly in the big cities and especially in Stockholm,” he says.

– Jobbmatchningen has become worse over time, we need a better system for arranging jobs, Stockholm and major cities need to go first in the conversion. You should start the conversion where there is already private, agency and infrastructure in place.

Read more: Why were given notice thousands of people at the unemployment office