Warning! Do you suffer from arachnophobia, then you should strongly consider whether it is wise to read on. the
Armed with a camera, a team of american biologists has moved deep into the rainforest in the Amazon to look for spiders. It writes the University of Michigan in a news release, according to Science.dk, where you can also see video of a kæmpeedderkop with a pungrotte in the gap.
the Excursion culminated in a series of photos and video clips, documenting how the spiders the size of a dinner plate captures and necks animals in sizes, as most people probably expect.
Opossums, snakes, lizards and frogs are all on the menu, it turns out. the
the Pictures are part of a scientific article that examines the relationship between arthropods, such as spiders, and small vertebrates in the Amazon rainforest.
– A surprisingly large part of the mortality of small vertebrates in the Amazon is probably caused by arthropods such as large spiders and millipedes, says associate professor in evolutionary biology at the University of Michigan, Daniel Rabosky in the press release. the
It is an underestimated cause of death among the target vertebrate, he adds.
Spiders are known as very different beasts, and the former has been observed spiders that eat everything from fish, amphibians and birds. the
however, There is generally very little sure knowledge about what and how spiders and other arthropods hunt and eat in the tropical areas, which is so rich in wildlife that the Amazon. the
The new study includes observations from the 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2017, and thus to throw some light on this. the
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