We two worked together in the Volvo, from the mid-1970s to the early 1990s. When were passenger cars, Volvo’s largest product and the united states was the largest market. We did in 1972 a major investment in the heavy truck industry and became in ten years the number two in the world. We had air and space and did the first step which lifted the Arianeraketerna from the ramp. Our engines ran all the hunting and attack aircraft. We had marine engines and construction machinery. We were in the Nordic region and one of Europe’s largest industrial groups.

Sometimes we were on different sides of the negotiating table, but usually we discussed in AB Volvo’s board of directors, in koncernnämnden which was established in 1972 and where the majority of employee representatives, and how combined efforts would ensure that the company performed well and gave a secure, safe, and fulfilling job that could pay a good salary to the metal workers and officials.

The employees ‘ terms and conditions of employment, as well as how the company could contribute to the surrounding society’s development, were also on the agenda.

Turbokapitalismen has replaced kvartalskapitalismen and its advance in the world and Sweden has, unfortunately, set long-term objectives in the other room.

It is with growing concern we see how the values we set high, now given a lower priority in large parts of the economy. Turbokapitalismen has replaced kvartalskapitalismen and its advance in the world and Sweden has, unfortunately, set long-term objectives in the other room.

the Trust of employees and citizens is a decisive factor for the sound development of the industry. The outrageous salaries and rewards program now, we see for high-level managers in business we regard as directly harmful to a good business climate.

Let us take an example: the 50 ceos of major Swedish companies in seven different industries had in the year 2017 the average income of labor and capital, which corresponds to 59 industriarbetarlöner. Certainly, one can find even bigger differences in other places in the world. And certainly justified these exorbitant rewards that you have to be able to compete for the best forces in a global market.

A part of those who receive some of these rewards claim with emphasis that everyone has got it better, and that the protests against the growing inequality is just a manifestation of envy. We do not agree with this. We shall build strong and growing businesses in Sweden so is the rapidly growing gap between the average employee and the executive director a major problem.

We believe that there is danger on the fourth and that there are legitimate questions: What will the capitalists? Can you believe that the business has the ability to clean up its own act?

The gaps that are created are of concern to us. The year 1995 was property income for 3 per cent of disposable income. The year 2015, said property income for 15 percent of our overall disposable income. Where, then, these incomes overall? The answer is that it is 10 per cent of the Swedish population, which accounts for 90 per cent of these incomes. The concentration of capital income is the main reason for the gaps in the world and in Sweden continues to increase.

If we then also take into account that the taxation of capital is significantly lower than the taxation of labour, it is difficult to argue that the world’s and Sweden’s politicians reaching a fair decision.

Swedish politicians should, however, in collaboration with progressive politicians from other countries, to take joint action both within the EU and globally for greater social justice. However, it fairly promptly can be done in Sweden is to introduce a progressive property tax. This tax would redistribute the income of capital and labour.

The agreement is made in the 73-point program between the government, the Centre party and the Liberals to dismantle värnskatten, we think is real. That is not a tax on an income rise by more than 50 per cent is a sound principle.

The tax reform that was promised in the agreement must therefore take a holistic approach to taxes: If tax level is to be raised, lowered or remain unchanged depends on what level we want to have on the school and the care, as well as bets on the police, our defense, etc. Also the design of health insurance, unemployment insurance, pensions, etc play a large role.

Those who are appointed or elected to important positions need to realize that without trust from employees and citizens, it will be only short-term mediocre results. People need to know that the people in power care and put common values before the crass self-seeking.

The two parties we vote for, the Liberals and the social democrats, have traditionally set up for a good overall welfare. The responsibility to defend and develop our model obliges.

instead of free trade and openness between nations and people, nurtures these forces of protectionism and suspicion. The development of the global liberal market economy has created is now threatened, unfortunately, by the dark political forces to the right but also to the left.

Sweden’s major export-dependent means that we are extra sensitive to trade barriers and other suspicion between countries and people.

the Growing economic gaps between people threatens the cohesion of our society, but it also makes the political currents which fuels suspicion and fear. Our elected politicians have a responsibility of trust and transparency. But it also has our industry, our unions and other institutions and organizations.

the Mission of the political, economic and social partners is to ensure that Sweden can assert itself in a tough global competition, which can provide the conditions for jobs, welfare and real income growth. Those who are appointed or elected to important positions need to realize that without trust from employees and citizens, it will be only short-term mediocre results.

People need to know that the people in power care and put common values before the crass self-seeking.

Our politicians must also stand up for more curiosity and boldness. We like to see a competition between the liberals and social democrats when it comes to how people, businesses and society at large can be developed.

It was good when in the Volvo. Make sure that it will be better in Sweden and in the EU.